Ancient Kingdom Cloaks

Ancient Kingdom Cloaks เป็นผ้าคลุมที่แตกต่างกัน 4แบบ โดยแต่ละแบบมีEffectที่แตกต่างกัน เหมาะกับการเลือกใช้ตามสถานการณ์ต่างๆ

Elmoreden CloakAncient Kingdom Cloak with stat focus on PvP abilities!
Can be upgraded to a Legendary Cloak at the Dimensional Merchant.
Can be enchanted up to +10.

When enchanted to +10, Cloak Augmenting Stone-Ancient Kingdom can be used to bestow additional effects.
Aden CloakAncient Kingdom Cloak with stat focus on Magic PvE abilities!
Can be upgraded to a Legendary Cloak at the Dimensional Merchant.
Can be enchanted up to +10.

When enchanted to +10, Cloak Augmenting Stone-Ancient Kingdom can be used to bestow additional effects.
Elmore CloakAncient Kingdom Cloak with stat focus on Physical PvE abilities!
Can be upgraded to a Legendary Cloak at the Dimensional Merchant.
Can be enchanted up to +10.

When enchanted to +10, Cloak Augmenting Stone-Ancient Kingdom can be used to bestow additional effects.
Ferios CloakAncient Kingdom Cloak with stat focus on Resistance abilities!
Can be upgraded to a Legendary Cloak at the Dimensional Merchant.
Can be enchanted up to +10.

When enchanted to +10, Cloak Augmenting Stone-Ancient Kingdom can be used to bestow additional effects.
Legendary Elmoreden CloakAncient Kingdom Cloak with stat focus on PvP abilities!
Can be upgraded to a Legendary Cloak at the Dimensional Merchant.
Can be enchanted up to +10.

When enchanted to +10, Cloak Augmenting Stone-Ancient Kingdom can be used to bestow additional effects.
When enchanted to +15, Cloak Augmenting Stone-Elmoreden can be used to bestow new additional effects.
Legendary Aden CloakAncient Kingdom Cloak with stat focus on Magic PvE abilities!
Can be upgraded to a Legendary Cloak at the Dimensional Merchant.
Can be enchanted up to +10.

When enchanted to +10, Cloak Augmenting Stone-Ancient Kingdom can be used to bestow additional effects.
When enchanted to +15, Cloak Augmenting Stone-Aden can be used to bestow new additional effects.
Legendary Elmore CloakAncient Kingdom Cloak with stat focus on Physical PvE abilities!
Can be upgraded to a Legendary Cloak at the Dimensional Merchant.
Can be enchanted up to +10.

When enchanted to +10, Cloak Augmenting Stone-Ancient Kingdom can be used to bestow additional effects.
When enchanted to +15, Cloak Augmenting Stone-Elmore can be used to bestow new additional effects.
Legendary Ferios CloakAncient Kingdom Cloak with stat focus on Resistance abilities!
Can be upgraded to a Legendary Cloak at the Dimensional Merchant.
Can be enchanted up to +10.

When enchanted to +10, Cloak Augmenting Stone-Ancient Kingdom can be used to bestow additional effects.
When enchanted to +15, Cloak Augmenting Stone-Ferios can be used to bestow new additional effects.
Scroll Enchant CloakEnchantment value from +1 to +10
In case of failure, the enchant value is decreased by 1.
Scroll Enchant Ancient CloakEnchantment value from +8 to +20. Enchant success rate +10%.
In case of failure, the enchant value is decreased by 1.
Scroll Enchant Cloak LegendaryEnchantment value from +11 to +20
In case of failure, the enchant value is decreased by 1.
Stable Cloak Enchantment ScrollEnchantment value from +1 to +10
In case of failure, the enchant value remains the same.
Stable Scroll Enchant Legendary CloakEnchantment value from +11 to +15
In case of failure, the enchant value remains the same.
High grade Stable Scroll Enchant Cloak LegendaryEnchantment value from +15 to +17
In case of failure, the enchant value remains the same.
Legendary ScrollTake it to the Game Assistant to bestow the Legendary status on Elmoreden/ Aden/ Elmore/ Ferios Cloak with a certain chance.
Low chance
High grade LegendaryTake it to the Game Assistant to bestow the Legendary status on Elmoreden/ Aden/ Elmore/ Ferios Cloak with a certain chance.
High chance
Augmenting Stone: Cloak - Ancient KingdomCan Augment all Cloaks when they have been enchanted to +10, applies a random additional effect.
Augmenting Stone: Cloak - ElmoredenCan Augment Legendary Elmoreden Cloak to +15 or higher, applies a random additional effect.
Augmenting Stone: Cloak - AdenCan Augment Legendary Aden Cloak to +15 or higher, applies a random additional effect.
Augmenting Stone: Cloak - ElmoreCan Augment Legendary Elmore Cloak to +15 or higher, applies a random additional effect.
Augmenting Stone: Cloak - FeriosCan Augment Legendary Ferios Cloak to +15 or higher, applies a random additional effect.
High-grade Cloak - Augmenting StoneCan Augment all Cloaks when they have been enchanted to +10, applies a random additional High-grade effect.
High-grade Augmenting Stone Cloak - ElmoredenCan Augment Legendary Elmoreden Cloak to +15 or higher, applies a random additional High-grade effect.
High-grade Augmenting Cloak Stone - AdenCan Augment Legendary Aden Cloak to +15 or higher, applies a random additional High-grade effect.
High-grade Augmenting Stone Cloak - ElmoreCan Augment Legendary Elmore Cloak to +15 or higher, applies a random additional High-grade effect.
High-grade Augmenting Stone Cloak - FeriosCan Augment Legendary Ferios Cloak to +15 or higher, applies a random additional High-grade effect.

Enchanting a Cloak

Ancient Kingdom Cloaks แบบ regular cloak Enchantได้สูงสุด +10 ซึ่งแต่ละครั้งจะปลดล็อค Stat และ effectแต่ละขั้น เมื่อEnchantด้วย Scroll: Enchant Cloak ทุกค่าความสำเร็จจะเพิ่มขึ้น +1 แต่ถ้าการEnchant นั้น fails ค่า Enchant จะลดลง 1 สามารถใช้ Scroll Enchant Ancient Cloak เพื่อเพิ่มโอกาสสำเร็จเพิ่ม 10% ถ้าCloak มีค่าEnchant +8ขึ้นไป แต่ถ้าFail ค่า Enchantจะลดลง 1 เหมือนเดิม แต่ถ้าใช้ Stable Cloak Enchantment Scroll ถ้า Fail ค่าEnchantจะคงค่าเดิม

เมื่อ Regular Cloak +10 จะทำการ Enchantต่อไม่ได้จะต้องทำการ Upgrade เป็น Legendary Ancient Cloaks ก่อน

Legendary Ancient Cloaks Enchantได้สูงสุด +20 โดย +1 ถึง +10 สามารถใช้ Scroll: Enchant Cloak หรือ Stable Cloak Enchantment Scroll  

+7 ถึง +20 จะใช้ Scroll Enchant Ancient Cloak  ส่วน +10ถึง +20 สามารถใช้ Scroll Enchant Cloak Legendary 
ถ้าไม่อยากให้ค่าEnchantลดลงในกรณีที่ Enchant Fail สามารถใช้ Stable Scroll Enchant Legendary Cloak หรือ High grade Stable Scroll Enchant Cloak Legendary


Upgrading to a Legendary Cloak

Upgrade ได้กับ Game Assistant โดยใช้ Legendary Scroll ความสำเร็จต่ำ หรือ High grade Legendary ความสำเร็จสูง

เมื่อUpgradeสำเร็จหรือ fail ค่าEnchantจะคงเดิม 

Augmenting your Ancient Cloak

regular cloak +10 สามารถถลุง 1st Row Bonusได้ โดยใช้ 1 High grade Cloak Augmenting Stone และ 6 Gemstone (A-grade) เพื่อrandomคุณสมบัติของ 1st Row Bonus

Legendary Cloak +15 สามารถถลุง 2nd Row Bonus โดยใช้หินถลุงตามชนิดของผ้าคลุมที่กำหนดไว้

Augment Properties สามารถดูจาก Link


Enchant your cloak to unlock various stats and effects.

Elmoreden Cloak Enchantment Properties
  • PvP damage +1%.
  • +2
  • PvP damage +2%.
  • +3
  • PvP damage +3%.
  • +4
  • PvP damage +4%.
  • +5
  • PvP damage +5%, M. Def +5%.
  • +6
  • PvP damage +6%, M. Def +5%.
  • +7
  • PvP damage +7%, M. Def +5%.
  • With a certain chance when using attack skills, deals 6500 fixed PvP damage to the target ignoring their CP, effect can activate once every 3 Minutes.
  • +8
  • PvP damage +8%, M. Def +5%.
  • With a certain chance when using attack skills, deals 6500 fixed PvP damage to the target ignoring their CP, effect can activate once every 3 Minutes.
  • +9
  • PvP damage +9%, M. Def +5%, Max CP +2800.
  • With a certain chance when using attack skills, deals 6500 fixed PvP damage to the target ignoring their CP, effect can activate once every 3 Minutes.
  • +10
  • PvP damage +10%, M. Def +5%, Max CP +3080.
  • With a certain chance when using attack skills, deals 6500 fixed PvP damage to the target ignoring their CP, effect can activate once every 3 Minutes.
  • +11
  • PvP damage +11%, M. Def +5%, Max CP +3388.
  • With a certain chance when using attack skills, deals 9000 fixed PvP damage to the target ignoring their CP, effect can activate once every 3 Minutes.
  • Chance to reduce target's CP by 50% when using a single attack skill, effect can activate once every 60 Seconds.
  • +12
  • PvP damage +12%, M. Def +5%, Max CP +3727.
  • With a certain chance when using attack skills, deals 9000 fixed PvP damage to the target ignoring their CP, effect can activate once every 3 Minutes.
  • Chance to reduce target's CP by 53% when using a single attack skill, effect can activate once every 60 Seconds.
  • +13
  • PvP damage +13%, M. Def +5%, Max CP +4099.
  • With a certain chance when using attack skills, deals 9000 fixed PvP damage to the target ignoring their CP, effect can activate once every 3 Minutes.
  • Chance to reduce target's CP by 56% when using a single attack skill, effect can activate once every 60 Seconds.
  • When you land a hit, you have a chance to recover 50% of CP, effect can activate once every 2 Minutes.
  • +14
  • PvP damage +14%, M. Def +5%, Max CP +4509.
  • With a certain chance when using attack skills, deals 9000 fixed PvP damage to the target ignoring their CP, effect can activate once every 3 Minutes.
  • Chance to reduce target's CP by 58% when using a single attack skill, effect can activate once every 60 Seconds.
  • When you land a hit, you have a chance to recover 53% of CP, effect can activate once every 2 Minutes.
  • +15
  • PvP damage +15%, M. Def +5%, Max CP +4960.
  • With a certain chance when using attack skills, deals 11000 fixed PvP damage to the target ignoring their CP, effect can activate once every 3 Minutes.
  • Chance to reduce target's CP by 60% when using a single attack skill, effect can activate once every 60 Seconds.
  • When you land a hit, you have a chance to recover 55% of CP, effect can activate once every 2 Minutes.
  • +16
  • PvP damage +16%, M. Def +5%, Max CP +5456.
  • With a certain chance when using attack skills, deals 11000 fixed PvP damage to the target ignoring their CP, effect can activate once every 3 Minutes.
  • Chance to reduce target's CP by 62% when using a single attack skill, effect can activate once every 60 Seconds.
  • When you land a hit, you have a chance to recover 58% of CP, effect can activate once every 2 Minutes.
  • +17
  • PvP damage +17%, M. Def +5%, Max CP +6002.
  • With a certain chance when using attack skills, deals 11000 fixed PvP damage to the target ignoring their CP, effect can activate once every 3 Minutes.
  • Chance to reduce target's CP by 64% when using a single attack skill, effect can activate once every 60 Seconds.
  • When you land a hit, you have a chance to recover 61% of CP, effect can activate once every 2 Minutes.
  • +18
  • PvP damage +18%, M. Def +5%, Max CP +6602, Damage to Immobilized Targets +30%.
  • With a certain chance when using attack skills, deals 11000 fixed PvP damage to the target ignoring their CP, effect can activate once every 3 Minutes.
  • Chance to reduce target's CP by 66% when using a single attack skill, effect can activate once every 60 Seconds.
  • When you land a hit, you have a chance to recover 64% of CP, effect can activate once every 2 Minutes.
  • Active Skill: Ignore Damage Make you invincible to fixed damage for 10 sec..
  • +19
  • PvP damage +19%, M. Def +5%, Max CP +7262, Damage to Immobilized Targets +40%.
  • With a certain chance when using attack skills, deals 15000 fixed PvP damage to the target ignoring their CP, effect can activate once every 3 Minutes.
  • Chance to reduce target's CP by 68% when using a single attack skill, effect can activate once every 60 Seconds.
  • When you land a hit, you have a chance to recover 67% of CP, effect can activate once every 2 Minutes.
  • Active Skill: Ignore Damage Make you invincible to fixed damage for 10 sec..
  • +20
  • PvP damage +20%, M. Def +5%, Max CP +7989, Damage to Immobilized Targets +50%, and has a chance to inflict damage and knock down enemy who attacked
  • With a certain chance when using attack skills, deals 15000 fixed PvP damage to the target ignoring their CP, effect can activate once every 3 Minutes.
  • Chance to reduce target's CP by 70% when using a single attack skill, effect can activate once every 60 Seconds.
  • When you land a hit, you have a chance to recover 70% of CP, effect can activate once every 2 Minutes.
  • Active Skill: Ignore Damage Make you invincible to fixed damage for 10 sec..
  • Active Skill: Blessing of Elmoreden Make you invincible for 10 sec.. and increase Speed by 100.
  • Aden Cloak Enchantment Properties
  • M. PvE damage to common monsters +1%.
  • +2
  • M. PvE damage to common monsters +2%.
  • +3
  • M. PvE damage to common monsters +3%.
  • +4
  • M. PvE damage to common monsters +4%.
  • +5
  • M. PvE damage to common monsters +5%, M. Atk. +7%.
  • +6
  • M. PvE damage to common monsters +6%, M. Atk. +7%.
  • +7
  • M. PvE damage to common monsters +7%, M. Atk. +7%.
  • With a certain chance, M. PvE damage +50% when using attack skills for 2 Minutes. Effect can activate once every 10 Minutes.
  • +8
  • M. PvE damage to common monsters +8%, M. Atk. +7%.
  • With a certain chance, M. PvE damage +55% when using attack skills for 2 Minutes. Effect can activate once every 10 Minutes.
  • +9
  • M. PvE damage to common monsters +9%, M. Atk. +7%, EXP/SP +7% when hunting.
  • With a certain chance, M. PvE damage +61% when using attack skills for 2 Minutes. Effect can activate once every 10 Minutes.
  • +10
  • M. PvE damage to common monsters +10%, M. Atk. +7%, EXP/SP +8% when hunting.
  • With a certain chance, M. PvE damage +67% when using attack skills for 2 Minutes. Effect can activate once every 10 Minutes.
  • +11
  • M. PvE damage to common monsters +11%, M. Atk. +7%, EXP/SP +9% when hunting, M. Skill Critical Damage +3%.
  • With a certain chance, M. PvE damage +73% when using attack skills for 2 Minutes. Effect can activate once every 10 Minutes.
  • +12
  • M. PvE damage to common monsters +12%, M. Atk. +7%, EXP/SP +10% when hunting, M. Skill Critical Damage +4%.
  • With a certain chance, M. PvE damage +81% when using attack skills for 2 Minutes. Effect can activate once every 10 Minutes.
  • +13
  • M. PvE damage to common monsters +13%, M. Atk. +7%, EXP/SP +11% when hunting, M. Skill Critical Damage +5%.
  • With a certain chance, M. PvE damage +89% when using attack skills for 2 Minutes. Effect can activate once every 10 Minutes.
  • Active Skill: Aden's Blessing Recovers all of your HP/ MP.
  • +14
  • M. PvE damage to common monsters +14%, M. Atk. +7%, EXP/SP +12% when hunting, M. Skill Critical Damage +6%.
  • With a certain chance, M. PvE damage +97% when using attack skills for 2 Minutes. Effect can activate once every 10 Minutes.
  • Active Skill: Aden's Blessing Recovers all of your HP/ MP.
  • +15
  • M. PvE damage to common monsters +15%, M. Atk. +7%, EXP/SP +13% when hunting, M. Skill Critical Damage +7%.
  • With a certain chance, M. PvE damage +107% when using attack skills for 2 Minutes. Effect can activate once every 10 Minutes.
  • Active Skill: Aden's Blessing Recovers all of your HP/ MP.
  • +16
  • M. PvE damage to common monsters +16%, M. Atk. +7%, EXP/SP +14% when hunting, M. Skill Critical Damage +8%.
  • With a certain chance, M. PvE damage +118% when using attack skills for 2 Minutes. Effect can activate once every 10 Minutes.
  • Active Skill: Aden's Blessing Recovers all of your HP/ MP.
  • +17
  • M. PvE damage to common monsters +17%, M. Atk. +7%, EXP/SP +15% when hunting, M. Skill Critical Damage +9%.
  • With a certain chance, M. PvE damage +130% when using attack skills for 2 Minutes. Effect can activate once every 10 Minutes.
  • Active Skill: Aden's Blessing Recovers all of your HP/ MP.
  • +18
  • M. PvE damage to common monsters +18%, M. Atk. +7%, EXP/SP +16% when hunting, M. Skill Critical Damage +10%.
  • With a certain chance, M. PvE damage +200% when using attack skills for 2 Minutes. Effect can activate once every 10 Minutes.
  • Active Skill: Aden's Blessing Recovers all of your HP/ MP.
  • +19
  • M. PvE damage to common monsters +19%, M. Atk. +7%, EXP/SP +17% when hunting, M. Skill Critical Damage +11%.
  • With a certain chance, M. PvE damage +200% when using attack skills for 2 Minutes. Effect can activate once every 10 Minutes.
  • Active Skill: Aden's Blessing Recovers all of your HP/ MP.
  • +20
  • M. PvE damage to common monsters +20%, M. Atk. +7%, EXP/SP +20% when hunting, M. Skill Critical Damage +15%.
  • With a certain chance, M. PvE damage +200% when using attack skills for 2 Minutes. Effect can activate once every 10 Minutes.
  • Active Skill: Aden's Blessing Recovers all of your HP/ MP.
  • Active Skill: Spirit of Aden M. PvE damage +100%.
  • Elmore Cloak Enchantment Properties
  • P. PvE damage to common monsters +1%.
  • +2
  • P. PvE damage to common monsters +2%.
  • +3
  • P. PvE damage to common monsters +3%.
  • +4
  • P. PvE damage to common monsters +4%.
  • +5
  • P. PvE damage to common monsters +5%, P. Atk. +7%.
  • +6
  • P. PvE damage to common monsters +6%, P. Atk. +7%.
  • +7
  • P. PvE damage to common monsters +7%, P. Atk. +7%.
  • With a certain chance, P. PvE damage +50% when using attack skills for 2 Minutes. Effect can activate once every 10 Minutes.
  • +8
  • P. PvE damage to common monsters +8%, P. Atk. +7%.
  • With a certain chance, P. PvE damage +55% when using attack skills for 2 Minutes. Effect can activate once every 10 Minutes.
  • +9
  • P. PvE damage to common monsters +9%, P. Atk. +7%, EXP/SP +7% when hunting.
  • With a certain chance, P. PvE damage +61% when using attack skills for 2 Minutes. Effect can activate once every 10 Minutes.
  • +10
  • P. PvE damage to common monsters +10%, P. Atk. +7%, EXP/SP +8% when hunting.
  • With a certain chance, P. PvE damage +67% when using attack skills for 2 Minutes. Effect can activate once every 10 Minutes.
  • +11
  • P. PvE damage to common monsters +11%, P. Atk. +7%, EXP/SP +9% when hunting, P. Skill Critical Damage +3%.
  • With a certain chance, P. PvE damage +73% when using attack skills for 2 Minutes. Effect can activate once every 10 Minutes.
  • +12
  • P. PvE damage to common monsters +12%, P. Atk. +7%, EXP/SP +10% when hunting, P. Skill Critical Damage +4%.
  • With a certain chance, P. PvE damage +81% when using attack skills for 2 Minutes. Effect can activate once every 10 Minutes.
  • +13
  • P. PvE damage to common monsters +13%, P. Atk. +7%, EXP/SP +11% when hunting, P. Skill Critical Damage +5%.
  • With a certain chance, P. PvE damage +89% when using attack skills for 2 Minutes. Effect can activate once every 10 Minutes.
  • Active Skill: Blessing of Elmore Recovers all of your HP/ MP.
  • +14
  • P. PvE damage to common monsters +14%, P. Atk. +7%, EXP/SP +12% when hunting, P. Skill Critical Damage +6%.
  • With a certain chance, P. PvE damage +97% when using attack skills for 2 Minutes. Effect can activate once every 10 Minutes.
  • Active Skill: Blessing of Elmore Recovers all of your HP/ MP.
  • +15
  • P. PvE damage to common monsters +15%, P. Atk. +7%, EXP/SP +13% when hunting, P. Skill Critical Damage +7%.
  • With a certain chance, P. PvE damage +107% when using attack skills for 2 Minutes. Effect can activate once every 10 Minutes.
  • Active Skill: Blessing of Elmore Recovers all of your HP/ MP.
  • +16
  • P. PvE damage to common monsters +16%, P. Atk. +7%, EXP/SP +14% when hunting, P. Skill Critical Damage +7%.
  • With a certain chance, P. PvE damage +118% when using attack skills for 2 Minutes. Effect can activate once every 10 Minutes.
  • Active Skill: Blessing of Elmore Recovers all of your HP/ MP.
  • +17
  • P. PvE damage to common monsters +17%, P. Atk. +7%, EXP/SP +15% when hunting, P. Skill Critical Damage +9%.
  • With a certain chance, P. PvE damage +130% when using attack skills for 2 Minutes. Effect can activate once every 10 Minutes.
  • Active Skill: Blessing of Elmore Recovers all of your HP/ MP.
  • +18
  • P. PvE damage to common monsters +18%, P. Atk. +7%, EXP/SP +16% when hunting, P. Skill Critical Damage +10%.
  • With a certain chance, P. PvE damage +200% when using attack skills for 2 Minutes. Effect can activate once every 10 Minutes.
  • Active Skill: Blessing of Elmore Recovers all of your HP/ MP.
  • +19
  • P. PvE damage to common monsters +19%, P. Atk. +7%, EXP/SP +17% when hunting, P. Skill Critical Damage +11%.
  • With a certain chance, P. PvE damage +200% when using attack skills for 2 Minutes. Effect can activate once every 10 Minutes.
  • Active Skill: Blessing of Elmore Recovers all of your HP/ MP.
  • +20
  • P. PvE damage to common monsters +20%, P. Atk. +7%, EXP/SP +20% when hunting, P. Skill Critical Damage +15%.
  • With a certain chance, P. PvE damage +200% when using attack skills for 2 Minutes. Effect can activate once every 10 Minutes.
  • Active Skill: Blessing of Elmore Recovers all of your HP/ MP.
  • Active Skill: P. PvE damage +100%.
  • Ferios Cloak Enchantment Properties
  • Attribute Resistance +10.
  • +2
  • Attribute Resistance +12.
  • +3
  • Attribute Resistance +14.
  • +4
  • Attribute Resistance +16.
  • +5
  • Attribute Resistance +18, P. Def. +5%.
  • +6
  • Attribute Resistance +20, P. Def. +5%.
  • +7
  • Attribute Resistance +22, P. Def. +5%, Fixed Damage Resistance +5%.
  • With a certain chance when hit, creates a barrier that absorbs 30000 damage.
  • +8
  • Attribute Resistance +24, P. Def. +5%, Fixed Damage Resistance +6%.
  • With a certain chance when hit, creates a barrier that absorbs 31500 damage.
  • +9
  • Attribute Resistance +26, P. Def. +5%, Fixed Damage Resistance +7%, Max HP +2800.
  • With a certain chance when hit, creates a barrier that absorbs 33075 damage.
  • +10
  • Attribute Resistance +28, P. Def. +5%, Fixed Damage Resistance +8%, Max HP +3080.
  • With a certain chance when hit, creates a barrier that absorbs 34729 damage.
  • +11
  • Attribute Resistance +30, P. Def. +5%, Fixed Damage Resistance +9%, Max HP +3388, Damage Received when Immobilized -30%.
  • With a certain chance when hit, creates a barrier that absorbs 36465 damage.
  • +12
  • Attribute Resistance +32, P. Def. +5%, Fixed Damage Resistance +10%, Max HP +3727, Damage Received when Immobilized -32%.
  • With a certain chance when hit, creates a barrier that absorbs 38288 damage.
  • +13
  • Attribute Resistance +34, P. Def. +5%, Fixed Damage Resistance +11%, Max HP +4099, Damage Received when Immobilized -33%.
  • With a certain chance when hit, creates a barrier that absorbs 40203 damage.
  • Chance for P./M. Def. +16000 when hit for 20 seconds. Effect can activate once every 10 Minutes.
  • +14
  • Attribute Resistance +36, P. Def. +5%, Fixed Damage Resistance +13%, Max HP +4509, Damage Received when Immobilized -35%.
  • With a certain chance when hit, creates a barrier that absorbs 42213 damage.
  • Chance for P./M. Def. +16000 when hit for 20 seconds. Effect can activate once every 10 Minutes.
  • +15
  • Attribute Resistance +38, P. Def. +5%, Fixed Damage Resistance +15%, Max HP +4960, Damage Received when Immobilized -36%.
  • With a certain chance when hit, creates a barrier that absorbs 44324 damage.
  • Chance for P./M. Def. +17000 when hit for 20 seconds. Effect can activate once every 10 Minutes.
  • +16
  • Attribute Resistance +40, P. Def. +5%, Fixed Damage Resistance +16%, Max HP +5456, Damage Received when Immobilized -38%.
  • With a certain chance when hit, creates a barrier that absorbs 46540 damage.
  • Chance for P./M. Def. +17000 when hit for 20 seconds. Effect can activate once every 10 Minutes.
  • +17
  • Attribute Resistance +42, P. Def. +5%, Fixed Damage Resistance +17%, Max HP +6002, Damage Received when Immobilized -40%.
  • With a certain chance when hit, creates a barrier that absorbs 48867 damage.
  • Chance for P./M. Def. +17000 when hit for 20 seconds. Effect can activate once every 10 Minutes.
  • +18
  • Attribute Resistance +44, P. Def. +5%, Fixed Damage Resistance +18%, Max HP +6602, Damage Received when Immobilized -42%.
  • With a certain chance when hit, creates a barrier that absorbs 51310 damage.
  • Chance for P./M. Def. +18000 when hit for 20 seconds. Effect can activate once every 10 Minutes.
  • When hit there is a chance for the party to recieve the effect of +50% P./M. Atk for 3 Minutes. The effect can activate once every 20 Minutes.
  • +19
  • Attribute Resistance +46, P. Def. +5%, Fixed Damage Resistance +19%, Max HP +7262, Damage Received when Immobilized -44%.
  • With a certain chance when hit, creates a barrier that absorbs 53876 damage.
  • Chance for P./M. Def. +18000 when hit for 20 seconds. Effect can activate once every 10 Minutes.
  • When hit there is a chance for the party to recieve the effect of +55% P./M. Atk for 3 Minutes. The effect can activate once every 20 Minutes.
  • +20
  • Attribute Resistance +50, P. Def. +5%, Fixed Damage Resistance +20%, Max HP +7989, Damage Received when Immobilized -50%.
  • With a certain chance when hit, creates a barrier that absorbs 56569 damage.
  • Chance for P./M. Def. +18000 when hit for 20 seconds. Effect can activate once every 10 Minutes.
  • When hit there is a chance for the party to recieve the effect of +60% P./M. Atk for 3 Minutes. The effect can activate once every 20 Minutes.
  • Active Skill: Blessing of Ferios Grants invincibility for 20 sec.