Othell Wind Rider Gust Stab

Skill NameDescription
Gust Stab Lv.1

Character Level: 110

Required SP: 436393

Required Item: Greater Rune Stone X 2
Unleashes a gust-like blow that deals a deadly attack with 110% power added to P. Atk. and stuns the target for 3 seconds.
Also, Cooldown of 'Right Angle Reverse', Easterly Wind Strike is reduced by 2 seconds.

Additionally, grants 'Gust Riding' to self.

<Perfect Effect>
Perfect Basic Rate 50% When Perfect is triggered, deals a deadly attack with 220% power added to P. Atk..

<Gust Riding>
For 5 seconds, Normal Attack Critical Damage, Perfect Power, Speed, and P. Evasion increased.

Consumes 3 Soulstones.

Requires a dagger or dual dagger to be equipped.

Range: 40
MP Consume: 83
Casting Time: 1.53 Sec.
Reuse Time: 6 Sec.
Gust Riding

For 5 seconds Normal Attack Critical Damage +30%, Perfect Power +10%, Speed +40, and P. Evasion +5.
Cannot stack with 'Heartbeat'.