Quest by Zone or Series

Formal Wear

QuestStarting NPC /PlaceReward
Make Formal Wear (Lv.85+Onetime Quest) ClipAlexis /Town of Aden Formal Wear
Make a Sewing Kit (Lv.85+Onetime Quest)
Required Item:
360 Cokes
180 Iron Ores
Ferris /Town of Aden Sewing Kit
In Search of Cloth (Lv.85+Onetime Quest)
Required Item:
750 Accessory Gems (Low-grade)
420 Armor Fragments (Low-grade)
Radia /Town of Giran Mysterious Cloth
Find Glittering Jewelry (Lv.85+Onetime Quest)
Required Item:
95 Iron Ores
385 Accessory Gems (Low-grade)
405 Armor Fragments (Low-grade)
Ellie /Town of Giran Jewel Box
Make a Pair of Dress Shoes (Lv.85+Onetime Quest)
Required Item:
360 Worn Leathers
90 Accessory Gems (Low-grade)
500,000 adena
Woodley /Town of Aden Dress Shoe Box


Gracia Areas

QuestStarting NPC /PlaceReward
Seed of Annihilation .........
To the Seed of Annihilation (Lv.85+ Onetime Quest) ClipKbaldir /Keucereus Alliance Base 1,148,480
212,182 adena
5 Scroll: Enchant Armors (R-grade)
Not Strong Enough Alone (Lv.85+ Daily Quest)Klemis /Seed of Annihilationrandom reward
1. 1-4 Ingredient and Hardener Pouchs (R-grade)
2. Scroll: Enchant Weapon (R-Grade)
Scroll: Enchant Armor (R-Grade)
3. A Random Attribute Stone or Attribute Crystal.
Completely Lost (Lv.85+ daily Quest) ClipInjured Soldier /Seed of AnnihilationRandomly Attribute Stone or Attribute Crystal
Finding the Lost Soldiers (Lv.85+ daily Quest) ClipJakan /Seed of Annihilation 435,024
Primal Mother, Istina (Lv.90+ Onetime Quest)Rumiese /Seed of Annihilation 833,065,000
10 Scroll: Enchant Armor (R-grade)
Istina's Bracelet
15 Attribute Stones at your choice.
Bottle of Istina's SoulRumiese /Seed of Annihilation
Extreme Challenge: Primal Mother Resurrected (Lv.97+ Onetime Quest)Rumiese /Seed of Annihilation Bottle of Istina's Soul
Seed of Destruction .........
The Road to Destruction (Lv.93+ Onetime Quest) ClipKeucereus /Keucereus Alliance Base 8,173,305
17,612 adena
Slay Dark Lord Tiat (Lv.93+ Daily Quest)Allenos /Seed of Destruction 100 Tiat's Charm (s)
Seed of Infinity .........
The Road to Infinity (Lv.95+ Onetime Quest)Keucereus /Keucereus Alliance Base 8,528,625
18,254 adena
Slay Dark Lord Ekimus (Lv.95+ Daily Quest)Tepios /Seed of Infinity 100 Freed Soul Crystal (s)
Utilize the Darkness - Seed of Infinity (Lv.95+ Daily Quest)Tepios /Seed of Infinity 50-500 Marred Soul Crystal (s)
Seed of Hellfire .........
To the Seed of Hellfire (Lv.97+ Onetime Quest)Keucereus /Keucereus Alliance Base 951,127,800
3,256,740 adena
An Audience With Tauti (Lv.97+ Onetime Quest)
Required :
complete Fergason's Offer quest first.
Fergason /Seed of Hellfire 951,127,800
3,256,740 adena
Bottle of Tauti's Soul
Assisting the Rebel Forces (Lv.97+ Daily Quest)Sizrak /Seed of Hellfire 570,676,680
Mark of the Resistance
Rebel's Supply Box
Day of Liberation (Lv.97+ Onetime Quest)
Required :
complete To the Seed of Hellfire quest first.
Sizrak /Seed of Hellfire 951,127,800
3,256,740 adena
Tauti's Bracelet
Fergason's Offer (Lv.97+ Onetime Quest)
Required :
complete To the Seed of Hellfire quest first.
Sizrak /Seed of Hellfire 951,127,800
3,256,740 adena
In Need of Petras (Lv.97+ Daily Quest)Aku /Seed of Hellfire 570,676,680
Aku's Supply Box
Energy of Destruction
Top Quality Petra (Lv.97+ Daily Quest)Use Zahak's Petra
(Can be obtained for defeating Lesser Zahak)
Aku's Mark
Utilize the Darkness - Seed of Hellfire (Lv.97+ Daily Quest)Sizrak /Seed of Hellfire 50-500 Disabled Petra (s)
Bottle of Tauti's Soul
complete Fergason's Offer quest first


Octavis Series Quests

QuestStarting NPC /PlaceReward
1.Shadow of Terror: Blackish Red Fog (Lv.88+Onetime Quest) ClipLada /Hunters Village 26,920,620
15 Attribute Stones at your choice.
Agathion - Fairy
2.Unsettling Shadow and Rumors (Lv.88+ Onetime Quest) Clip
Required :
complete Shadow of Terror: Blackish Red Fog quest first.
Kantarubis /Ancient City Arcan 6,728,850
Old Roll of Paper (double click to open)
2,177,190 adena
Choose Between 3 or 4
then go to 5
3.1)Unstoppable Futile Efforts (Lv.88+ Onetime Quest) Clip
Required :
complete Unsettling Shadow and Rumors quest first.
Noeti Mimilead / Ancient City Arcan 34,971,975
15 Attribute Stones at your choice.
3.2)The Corrupted Leader (Lv.90+ Onetime Quest)
Required :
complete Unstoppable Futile Efforts quest first.
Naomi Kasheron /Ancient City Arcan 9,479,594
A random Attribute Crystal
2 Scroll: Enchant Armors (R-grade)
3.3)The Corrupted Leader: His Truth (Lv.90+ Onetime Quest)
Required :
complete The Corrupted Leader quest first.
Naomi Kasheron /Ancient City Arcan 11,779,522
5 Scroll: Enchant Armors (R-grade)
4.1)Creation of Twisted Spiral (Lv.90+ Onetime Quest)
Required :
complete Unsettling Shadow and Rumors quest first.
Selina /Garden of Genesis 50,178,765
11 Attribute Stones at your choice.
3,424,540 adena
4.2)Abandoned God's Creature (Lv.90+ Onetime Quest)
Required Item: Apherus Door Key
Required :
complete Creation of Twisted Spiral quest first.
Horpina /Garden of Genesis 46,847,289
choose one from all.
1. 3 Scroll: Enchant Armors (R-grade), 8 Synthetic Cokes
2. 5 Scroll: Enchant Armors (R-grade)
3. 3 Scroll: Enchant Armors (R-grade), 2 Ingredient and Hardener Pouchs (R-grade)
4.3)Peaceful Days are Over
Required :
complete Abandoned God's Creature quest first.
Selina /Garden of Genesis 7,168,395
489,220 adena
5.To the Prison of Darkness (Lv.90+ Onetime Quest)
Required :
complete The Corrupted Leader: His Truth or Peaceful Days are Over quest first.
Slaski /Ancient City Arcan 4,038,093
Scroll: Enchant Weapon (R-grade)
279,513 adena
6.Undecaying Memory of the Past (Lv.90+ Onetime Quest)Opera /Orbis Temple 54,093,924
choose one from all.
1. Scroll: Enchant Weapon (R-grade), 8 Synthetic Cokes
2. Scroll: Enchant Weapon (R-grade), 2 Scroll: Enchant Armors (R-grade)
3. Scroll: Enchant Weapon (R-grade), 2 Ingredient and Hardener Pouchs (R-grade)
7.Orbis' Witch (Lv.95+ Onetime Quest)
Required :
complete Undecaying Memory of the Past quest first.
Opera /Orbis Temple 7,412,805
506,760 adena
8.Decaying Darkness (Lv.95+ Onetime Quest)
Required :
complete Orbis' Witch quest first.
Lydia /Orbis Temple 79,260,650
5,427,900 adena
9.Owner of Hall (Lv.95+ Onetime Quest)
Required :
complete Decaying Darkness quest first.
Lydia /Orbis Temple 897,850,000
23,655,000 adena
Octavis' Bracelet
10.Bottle of Octavis' Soul (Lv.95+ Onetime Quest)


Big Boss Quests

QuestStarting NPC /PlaceReward
Antharas Road to Heart of Warding
Audience with the Land Dragon (Lv.85+) ClipGabrielle /Town of Giran Portal Stone
Jewel of Antharas (Lv.85+ Repeatable Quest)
Required Item:
you must have Portal Stone in your inventory.
Antharas Watchman Theodric /Dragon Valley Jewel of Antharas
Land Dragon Conqueror (Lv.85+ One time Quest)Antharas Watchman Theodric /Dragon Valley 702,557
131,236 adena
Antharas Slayer Circlet
The Call of Antharas (Lv.85+ Repeatable Quest)Antharas Watchman Theodric /Dragon Valley Scroll: Antharas Call
Valakas Road to Heart of Volcano
Fire Dragon Destroyer (Lv.85+ One time Quest)Klein /Forge of the Gods 717,291
126,549 adena
Valakas Slayer Circlet
Into the Flames (Lv.85+ Onetime Quest) ClipKlein /Forge of the Gods Vacualite Floating Stone
Jewel of Valakas (Lv.85+ Repeatable Quest)
Required Item:
you must have Vacualite Floating Stone in your inventory.
Klein /Forge of the Gods Jewel of Valakas
The Call of Valakas (Lv.85+ Repeatable Quest)Klein /Forge of the Gods Scroll: Valakas Call
Linvior Road to Altar of Sacrifice
Stopping the Wind Dragon (Lv.95+ One time Quest)Jenna / Rune Township 2,147,483,500
Lindvior Slayer's Helmet
Earth Wyrm Trasken
The Dwarven Nightmare ContinuesDaichir /Town of Schuttgart
Confronting a Giant MonsterDaichir /Town of Schuttgart



QuestStarting NPC /PlaceReward
The Hero's Journey: Fairy Settlement (Lv.88+ Onetime Quest)Miso /Ancient City Arcan Kimerian's Trace
Trace of Kimerian's Cavern
5 Scroll of Escape: Fairy Settlement (s)
To Calm the Flood (Lv.88+ Daily Quest)Fairy Citizen /Fairy Settlement1.For 150+ Fairy Blood (s), 150+ Satyr Blood (s)
1,448,604 adena

2.For 300+ Fairy Blood (s), 300+ Satyr Blood (s)
2,897,208 adena

3.For 450+ Fairy Blood (s), 450+ Satyr Blood (s)
4,345,812 adena

4.For 600+ Fairy Blood (s), 600+ Satyr Blood (s)
5,794,416 adena
We Are Friends (Lv.88+ Daily Quest) ClipFairy Citizen /Fairy Settlement Fairy's Leaf Flute
Certificate of Promise
Be Lost in the Mysterious Scent (Lv.90+ Daily Quest) Selina /Garden of Genesis 2 Certificate of Life (s)
Crossroads between Light and Darkness (Lv.90+ Onetime Quest) Item: Trace of Decaying Darkness 6,730,155
465,855 adena
Clownfish Hat
Refined Turtle Hat
Refined Shark Hat
Refined Penguin Hat
Refined Brown Skeleton Circlet
Refined Green Skeleton Circlet
Refined Orange Skeleton Circlet
Refined Black Skeleton Circlet
Dreaming of peace (Lv.90+ Daily Quest)Nerupa /Fairy Settlement 646,727,130
559,020 adena
For the Forgotten Heroes (Lv.90+ Onetime Quest)Izael /Ancient City Arcan
Placing My Small Power (Lv.88+ Daily Quest) ClipAsterios /Ancient City Arcan 2 Certificate of Promise (s)
Suspicious Gardener (Lv.90+ Daily quest)Horpina /Garden of Genesis 2 Certificate of Life (s)
The Hero's Journey: Fortuna (Lv.90+ Onetime Quest)Miso /Ancient City Arcan 5 Scroll of Escape: Fortuna (s)
2 Entrance Pass: Fortuna (s)
Resurrected Owner of Hall (Lv.95+ Onetime Quest)Lydia /Orbis Temple 897,850,000
Bottle of Octavis' Soul
Stuffed Ancient Heroes (Lv.95+ Repeatable Quest)
Required :
complete Orbis' Witch quest first.
Lydia /Orbis Temple Certificate of Hero


Isle of Souls Harbor

QuestStarting NPC /PlaceReward
Mysterious Journey (Lv.93+ Onetime Quest) ClipTapoy /Gludin Village 27,244,350
58,707 adena
5 Scroll: Enchant Weapon (R-grade) (s)
Soulless One (Lv.93+ Onetime Quest)
Required :
complete Mysterious Journey quest first.
Hesed /Isle of Souls Harbor 817,330,500
choose one from all.
1. 68 Synthetic Cokes,
5 Scroll: Enchant Armors (R-grade)
2. 1 Scroll: Enchant Weapon (R-grade),
6 Scroll: Enchant Armors (R-grade)
3. 4 Ingredient, Hardener Pouchs (R-grade),
5 Scroll: Enchant Armors (R-grade)
Uncover the Secret (Lv.93+ Daily Quest)
Required :
complete Mysterious Journey quest first.
Hesed /Isle of Souls Harbor1.For 90 pcs., 180 pcs.
1,585,089 adena
2.For 180 pcs., 360 pcs.
3,170,178 adena
3.For 270 pcs., 540 pcs.
4,755,267 adena
4.For 360 pcs., 720 pcs.
6,340,356 adena
Reacting to a Crisis (Lv.93+ Daily Quest)
Required :
complete Mysterious Journey quest first.
Verna /Stronghold III 408,665,250
Scroll of Escape: Isle of Souls Harbor


Guillotine Fortress

QuestStarting NPC /PlaceReward
An Uninvited Guest (Lv.95+ Onetime Quest)Endrigo /Guillotine Fortress 934,013,430
3,441,680 adena
2 Scroll of Escape: Guillotine Fortress (s)
Liberating the Spirits (Lv.95+ Daily Quest)Roderik /Guillotine Fortress 600,000,000
Seven Flowers
Required :
complete Weeding Work quest first.
Dadphyna /Guillotine Fortress Deadman's Chest
The Executioner's Execution (Lv.95+ Onetime Quest)
Required :
complete An Uninvited Guest quest first.
Endrigo /Guillotine Fortress 1,022,967,090
Glorious T-shirt
The Invaded Execution Grounds (Lv.95+ Onetime Quest)Sylvain /Town of Dion 756,106,110
2,970,560 adena
2 Scroll of Escape: Guillotine Fortress (s)
Weeding Work (Lv.95+ Onetime Quest)Dadphyna /Guillotine Fortress 845,059,770
3,000,000 adena
2 Scroll of Escape: Guillotine Fortress (s)