Ardor of Mind

Skill NameDescription
Ardor of Mind Lv.1

Character Level: 110

Required SP: 436393

Required Item: Greater Rune Stone X 1

The Death Knight makes the curse of blood into one's own strength and obtains explosive power.

For 5 minutes, P. Atk. +20%, P. Skill Power +40%, P. Skill Critical Rate +15%, P. Skill Critical Damage +30%, P. Def./M. Def. +40%.
Consumes 15 Soulstones
Cannot be applied at the same time as Presence of Mind.
Requires a One-handed Sword

MP Consume: 44
Casting Time: 2.5 Sec.
Reuse Time: 30 Sec.
Ardor of Mind Lv.2

Character Level: 115

Required SP: 436393

Required Item: Greater Rune Stone X 1

The Death Knight makes the curse of blood into one's own strength and obtains explosive power.

For 5 minutes, P. Atk. +20%, P. Skill Power +45%, P. Skill Critical Rate +15%, P. Skill Critical Damage +30%, P. Def./M. Def. +45%.
Consumes 15 Soulstones
Cannot be applied at the same time as Presence of Mind.
Requires a One-handed Sword

MP Consume: 50
Casting Time: 2.5 Sec.
Reuse Time: 30 Sec.