ตัวละครแต่ละสายอาชีพจะมีค่าCharacter Statsพื้นฐานคือ STR, DEX, CON, INT, WIT, MEN, LUC, CHA แต่ละเผ่าจะมีค่าStatsต่างกัน ค่าStatsบางค่าจะเพิ่มขึ้นได้จากการอัพเลเวล, เรียนสกิลหรือสวมใส่Itemที่เพิ่มค่าStat แต่จะเพิ่มให้สูงจะทำได้ค่อนข้างยาก การสักจะเป็นอีกทางเลือกหนึ่งที่สามารถเพิ่มค่าStatsได้สูงสุดถึง +5 ต่อ 1slot effect
Basic Stats
Strength (STR) Affects P.Atk.
Dexterity (DEX) Affects Atk. Spd., P. Accuracy, P. Evasion, and P. Critical Rate
Constitution (CON) Affects Max HP/ CP, HP/ CP Recovery Rate, Weight limit, breath gauge, and Shield Defense Rate.
Intelligence (INT) Affects M. Atk.
Wit (WIT) Affects Casting Spd., M. Accuracy, M. Evasion, M. Critical Rate, and Magic Resistance.
Mental (MEN) Affects M. Def., Max MP, MP Recovery Rate, and Casting Interruption Rate.
Luck (LUC) Affects the success rates of enchanting/ crafting/ workshop, gives additional bonuses for the Spoil/ Plunder skills. Affects the Soul Stealth trigger rate.
Charisma (CHA) Affects P. Atk., P. Def., Atk. Spd., M. Atk., M. Def., Casting Spd., and Max HP/ MP/ CP.
Slot Effect มีทั้งหมด 4 slot โดยSlotที่ 1-3 จะใช้Dyesหรือสีย้อมแบบเดียวกัน Slotที่ 4 จะใช้สีย้อมเฉพาะของSlotที่ 4 เท่านั้น
Dyes มีหลายชื่อบางคนก็เรียกยาสักหรือสีย้อม ถ้าเจอใครเรียก2ชื่อนี้มันคือความหมายเดียวกัน
Dye Mrchant
Imprinting a symbol คือการนำสีย้อมมาประทับสัญลักษณ์ใน Slot Effect ทั้ง 4 เรียกง่ายๆว่า การสัก เมื่อเราเตรียมสีย้อมครบแล้ว เราจะไปทำการสักที่ Dye Merchant ที่ประจำอยุ่ทุกเมือง การสักหรือลบรอยสักจะใช้Adenaจำนวนนึงราคาจะขึ้นอยู่กับคุณภาพของสีย้อม บางสีย้อมจะมีการยกเว้นการใช้Adena สีย้อม 1 slotจะใช้ 10ขวด หรือ 1 ขวดตามระบบกำหนด เมื่อลบออกเราจะได้สีย้อมคืนจำนวนนึง สีย้อมที่Upgradeได้เมือลบออกจะได้สีย้อมคืนครบจำนวน รอยสักที่จำกัดเวลาจะไม่ได้สีย้อมคืน
Dye system
เมื่อสักสัญลักษณ์ของสีย้อม จะเปิดใช้งานตราประทับ ตราประทับมีชาร์จเกจที่รีชาร์จได้ด้วย dye powder ซื้อได้ที่ร้านGrocerในเมือง รีชาร์จได้4เกจ สามารถเช็คStatusที่หน้าต่าง Passive Skill Tab: Items Skill สูงสุดตามจำนวนรอยสักที่เราสักลงไป เมื่อตัวละครได้รับEXP เกจจะลดลงเรื่อยๆ เมื่อเกจถูกรีชาร์จมากกว่า 1เกจ ตราประทับจะเริ่มแสดงผล 1รอยสัก จะเพิ่ม HP/ MP/ CP, 2รอยสัก เพิ่ม P. Def./ M.def. , 3รอยสัก เพิ่ม P. Atk./ M. Atk.
ตราประทับจะแสดงผลที่หน้าต่างPassive Skill เป็นรูปสัญลักษณ์ของแต่ละสายอาชีพ ถ้ารอยสักถูกลบออกเกจรีชาร์จจะยังคงเดิมและไม่สามารถรีชาร์จเกจเพิ่มได้ อาชีพหลักและอาชีพรองจะไม่ใช้เกจร่วมกัน
Class | Effect |
![]() Sigel Knight | Max HP 1427, Max MP 499, Max CP 1403. The imprint effect of the dye is increased momentarily, and changes. (Until further notice) Max HP/ MP/ CP +5%, HP Limit +5000 |
![]() Tyrr Warrior | Max HP 1365, Max MP 499, Max CP 1342. The imprint effect of the dye is increased momentarily, and changes. (Until further notice) Max HP/ MP/ CP +5%, HP Limit +5000 |
![]() Othell Rogue | Max HP 1303, Max MP 499, Max CP 1281. The imprint effect of the dye is increased momentarily, and changes. (Until further notice) Max HP/ MP/ CP +5%, HP Limit +5000 |
![]() Yul Archer | Max HP 1303, Max MP 499, Max CP 1281. The imprint effect of the dye is increased momentarily, and changes. (Until further notice) Max HP/ MP/ CP +5%, HP Limit +5000 |
![]() Feoh Wizard | Max HP 1241, Max MP 548, Max CP 1220. The imprint effect of the dye is increased momentarily, and changes. (Until further notice) Max HP/ MP/ CP +5%, HP Limit +5000 |
![]() Wynn Summoner | Max HP 1272, Max MP 523, Max CP 1250. The imprint effect of the dye is increased momentarily, and changes. (Until further notice) Max HP/ MP/ CP +5%, HP Limit +5000 |
![]() Aeore Healer | Max HP 1272, Max MP 548, Max CP 1250. The imprint effect of the dye is increased momentarily, and changes. (Until further notice) Max HP/ MP/ CP +5%, HP Limit +5000 |
![]() Iss Enchanter | Max HP 1272, Max MP 523, Max CP 1250. The imprint effect of the dye is increased momentarily, and changes. (Until further notice) Max HP/ MP/ CP +5%, HP Limit +5000 |
![]() Eviscerator | Max HP 1365, Max MP 499, Max CP 1342. The imprint effect of the dye is increased momentarily, and changes. (Until further notice) Max HP/ MP/ CP +5%, HP Limit +5000 |
![]() Sayha's Seer | Max HP 1241, Max MP 548, Max CP 1220. The imprint effect of the dye is increased momentarily, and changes. (Until further notice) Max HP/ MP/ CP +5%, HP Limit +5000 |
![]() Sigel Knight | P. Def. 2656, M. Def. 2204, Vitallty Bonus 3%, XP/ SP Gain 3%. The imprint effect of the dye is increased momentarily, and changes. (Until further notice) P. Def./ M. Def. +5%, XP/ SP Gain +10% |
![]() Tyrr Warrior | P. Def. 2435, M. Def. 2204, Vitallty Bonus 3%, XP/ SP Gain 3%. The imprint effect of the dye is increased momentarily, and changes. (Until further notice) P. Def./ M. Def. +5%, XP/ SP Gain +10% |
![]() Othell Rogue | P. Def. 2324, M. Def. 2204, Vitallty Bonus 3%, XP/ SP Gain 3%. The imprint effect of the dye is increased momentarily, and changes. (Until further notice) P. Def./ M. Def. +5%, XP/ SP Gain +10% |
![]() Yul Archer | P. Def. 2324, M. Def. 2204, Vitallty Bonus 3%, XP/ SP Gain 3%. The imprint effect of the dye is increased momentarily, and changes. (Until further notice) P. Def./ M. Def. +5%, XP/ SP Gain +10% |
![]() Feoh Wizard | P. Def. 2324, M. Def. 2314, Vitallty Bonus 3%, XP/ SP Gain 3%. The imprint effect of the dye is increased momentarily, and changes. (Until further notice) P. Def./ M. Def. +5%, XP/ SP Gain +10% |
![]() Wynn Summoner | P. Def. 2324, M. Def. 2314, Vitallty Bonus 3%, XP/ SP Gain 3%. The imprint effect of the dye is increased momentarily, and changes. (Until further notice) P. Def./ M. Def. +5%, XP/ SP Gain +10% |
![]() Aeore Healer | P. Def. 2435, M. Def. 2424, Vitallty Bonus 3%, XP/ SP Gain 3%. The imprint effect of the dye is increased momentarily, and changes. (Until further notice) P. Def./ M. Def. +5%, XP/ SP Gain +10% |
![]() Iss Enchanter | P. Def. 2435, M. Def. 2314, Vitallty Bonus 3%, XP/ SP Gain 3%. The imprint effect of the dye is increased momentarily, and changes. (Until further notice) P. Def./ M. Def. +5%, XP/ SP Gain +10% |
![]() Eviscerator | P. Def. 2435, M. Def. 2204, Vitallty Bonus 3%, XP/ SP Gain 3%. The imprint effect of the dye is increased momentarily, and changes. (Until further notice) P. Def./ M. Def. +5%, XP/ SP Gain +10% |
![]() Sayha's Seer | P. Def. 2324, M. Def. 2314, Vitallty Bonus 3%, XP/ SP Gain 3%. The imprint effect of the dye is increased momentarily, and changes. (Until further notice) P. Def./ M. Def. +5%, XP/ SP Gain +10% |
![]() Sigel Knight | P. Atk. 1884, P. Atk. +2%, P. Skill Power +2%, P. Def./ M. Def. +1%. The imprint effect of the dye is increased momentarily, and changes. (Until further notice) P. Atk./ M. Atk. +5%, Normal Attack/ P. Skill/ M. Skill Critical Damage +3% |
![]() Tyrr Warrior | P. Atk. 2226, P. Atk. +3%. The imprint effect of the dye is increased momentarily, and changes. (Until further notice) P. Atk./ M. Atk. +5%, Normal Attack/ P. Skill/ M. Skill Critical Damage +3% |
![]() Othell Rogue | P. Atk. 2483, P. Atk. +1%, Normal Attack Critical Damage +2%. The imprint effect of the dye is increased momentarily, and changes. (Until further notice) P. Atk./ M. Atk. +5%, Normal Attack/ P. Skill/ M. Skill Critical Damage +3% |
![]() Yul Archer | P. Atk. 2483, P. Atk. +1%, P. Skill Critical Damage +2%. The imprint effect of the dye is increased momentarily, and changes. (Until further notice) P. Atk./ M. Atk. +5%, Normal Attack/ P. Skill/ M. Skill Critical Damage +3% |
![]() Feoh Wizard | M. Atk. 1309, M. Atk. +3%. The imprint effect of the dye is increased momentarily, and changes. (Until further notice) P. Atk./ M. Atk. +5%, Normal Attack/ P. Skill/ M. Skill Critical Damage +3% |
![]() Wynn Summoner | M. Atk. 1199, M. Atk. +654, P. Atk./ M. Atk +2%, P. Skill/ M. Skill Power +1%. The imprint effect of the dye is increased momentarily, and changes. (Until further notice) P. Atk./ M. Atk. +5%, Normal Attack/ P. Skill/ M. Skill Critical Damage +3% |
![]() Aeore Healer | M. Atk. 1168, M. Atk +2%, M. Skill Critical Rate +5%, P. Def./ M. Def. +1%. The imprint effect of the dye is increased momentarily, and changes. (Until further notice) P. Atk./ M. Atk. +5%, Normal Attack/ P. Skill/ M. Skill Critical Damage +3% |
![]() Iss Enchanter | P. Atk. 2312, P. Atk +2%, Normal Attack Critical Damage +1%. The imprint effect of the dye is increased momentarily, and changes. (Until further notice) P. Atk./ M. Atk. +5%, Normal Attack/ P. Skill/ M. Skill Critical Damage +3% |
![]() Eviscerator | P. Atk. 2226, P. Atk +2%, Normal Attack Critical Damage +1%. The imprint effect of the dye is increased momentarily, and changes. (Until further notice) P. Atk./ M. Atk. +5%, Normal Attack/ P. Skill/ M. Skill Critical Damage +3% |
![]() Sayha's Seer | M. Atk. 1309, M. Atk. +2%. M. Skill Power 1%. The imprint effect of the dye is increased momentarily, and changes. (Until further notice) P. Atk./ M. Atk. +5%, Normal Attack/ P. Skill/ M. Skill Critical Damage +3% |
Dyes เราสามารถหาหรือทำสีย้อมออกมาได้จากหลายแหล่ง เช่นซื้อสุ่มจาก Dye Merchant, ทำเองจากระบบ Alchamy ,ดรอบจาก Boss หรือซื้อจากShop รวมถึงสีย้อมที่เราต้องอัพเกรดเองจากการCompound
DyeจากDye Merchantได้จาก การสุ่มขวดละ 1,000,000 Adena ซึ่งสามารถเลือกstat 1ใน8 จาก STR, DEX, CON, INT, WIT, MEN, LUC, CHA สูงสุด Lv.5 ซึ่งแบ่งประเภทของคือ Giant Dyes, Ancient Dyes และ Legendary Dyes
Dye Merchantจะไม่สุ่ม dye Lv.4 แต่แลกได้กับ Dimensional Merchant
Dye for 1st, 2nd, 3rd Slot
ใช้สักสีย้อม ช่องที่ 1-3 สามารถสักสีย้อมแบบเดียวกันได้ ใช้ Adenaและสีย้อม10ขวด/1 Slot เมื่อลบออกจะได้สีย้อมคืน 5 ขวด
Item | Description |
![]() Lv.1 Giant STR Dye STR +3 DEX -2 | Lv.1 Giant STR Dye (STR +3 DEX -2). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant |
![]() Lv.1 Ancient STR Dye STR +3 DEX -2 ![]() | Lv.1 Ancient STR Dye (STR +3 DEX -2 Fire Resistance +5). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant |
![]() Lv.1 Legendary STR Dye STR +3 DEX -1 ![]() | Lv.1 Legendary STR Dye (STR +3 DEX -1 Fire Resistance +5). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant |
![]() Lv.2 Giant STR Dye STR +4 DEX -3 | Lv.2 Giant STR Dye (STR +4 DEX -3). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant |
![]() Lv.2 Ancient STR Dye STR +4 DEX -3 ![]() | Lv.2 Ancient STR Dye (STR +4 DEX -3 Fire Resistance +10). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant |
![]() Lv.2 Legendary STR Dye STR +4 DEX -2 ![]() | Lv.2 Legendary STR Dye (STR +4 DEX -2 Fire Resistance +10). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant |
![]() Lv.3 Giant STR Dye STR +5 DEX -4 | Lv.3 Giant STR Dye (STR +5 DEX -4). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant |
![]() Lv.3 Ancient STR Dye STR +5 DEX -4 ![]() | Lv.3 Ancient STR Dye (STR +5 DEX -4 Fire Resistance +15). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant |
![]() Lv.3 Legendary STR Dye STR +5 DEX -3 ![]() | Lv.3 Legendary STR Dye (STR +5 DEX -3 Fire Resistance +15). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant |
![]() Lv.4 Legendary STR Dye STR +5 DEX -1 ![]() | Lv.4 Legendary STR Dye (STR +5 DEX -1 Fire Resistance +20). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dimensional Merchant |
![]() Lv.5 Giant STR Dye STR+5 | Lv.5 Giant STR Dye (STR +5). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant |
![]() Lv.5 Ancient STR Dye STR +5 ![]() | Lv.5 Ancient STR Dye (STR +5 Fire Resistance +25). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant |
![]() Lv.5 Legendary STR Dye STR +5 Dex +1 ![]() | Lv.5 Legendary STR Dye (STR +5 DEX +1 Fire Resistance +25). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant |
![]() Lv. 1 Legendary STR Dye (Charisma) STR +3 CHA +1 | Lv.1 Legendary STR Dye (Charisma) (STR +3 CHA +1). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Obtain from Alchemy System (Transmutation) |
![]() Lv. 2 Legendary STR Dye (Charisma) STR +4 CHA +2 | Lv.2 Legendary STR Dye (Charisma) (STR +4 CHA +2). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Obtain from Alchemy System (Transmutation) |
![]() Lv. 3 Legendary STR Dye (Charisma) STR +4 CHA +3 | Lv.3 Legendary STR Dye (Charisma) (STR +4 CHA +3). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Obtain from Alchemy System (Transmutation) |
![]() Lv. 4 Legendary STR Dye (Charisma) STR +5 CHA +4 | Lv.4 Legendary STR Dye (Charisma) (STR +5 CHA +4). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Obtain from Alchemy System (Transmutation) |
![]() Lv. 5 Legendary STR Dye (Charisma) STR +5 CHA +5 | Lv.5 Legendary STR Dye (Charisma) (STR +5 CHA +5). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Obtain from Alchemy System (Transmutation) |
![]() Lv. 1 Legendary STR Dye (Luck) STR +3 LUC +1 | Lv.1 Legendary STR Dye (Luck) (STR +3 LUC +1). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Obtain from Alchemy System (Transmutation) |
![]() Lv. 2 Legendary STR Dye (Luck) STR +4 LUC +2 | Lv.2 Legendary STR Dye (Luck) (STR +4 LUC +2). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Obtain from Alchemy System (Transmutation) |
![]() Lv. 3 Legendary STR Dye (Luck) STR +4 LUC +3 | Lv.3 Legendary STR Dye (Luck) (STR +4 LUC +3). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Obtain from Alchemy System (Transmutation) |
![]() Lv. 4 Legendary STR Dye (Luck) STR +5 LUC +4 | Lv.4 Legendary STR Dye (Luck) (STR +5 LUC +4). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Obtain from Alchemy System (Transmutation) |
![]() Lv. 5 Legendary STR Dye (Luck) STR +5 LUC +5 | Lv.5 Legendary STR Dye (Luck) (STR +5 LUC +5). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Obtain from Alchemy System (Transmutation) |
![]() Lv.1 Giant DEX Dye DEX +3 CON -2 | Lv.1 Giant DEX Dye (DEX +3 CON -2). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant |
![]() Lv.1 Ancient DEX Dye DEX +3 CON -2 ![]() | Lv.1 Ancient DEX Dye (DEX +3 CON -2 Earth Resistance +5). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant |
![]() Lv.1 Legendary DEX Dye DEX +3 CON -1 ![]() | Lv.1 Legendary DEX Dye (DEX +3 CON -1 Earth Resistance +5). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant |
![]() Lv.2 Giant DEX Dye DEX +4 CON -3 | Lv.2 Giant DEX Dye (DEX +4 CON -3). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant |
![]() Lv.2 Ancient DEX Dye DEX +4 CON -3 ![]() | Lv.2 Ancient DEX Dye (DEX +4 CON -3 Earth Resistance +10). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant |
![]() Lv.2 Legendary DEX Dye DEX +4 CON -2 ![]() | Lv.2 Legendary DEX Dye (DEX +4 CON -2 Earth Resistance +10). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant |
![]() Lv.3 Giant DEX Dye DEX +5 CON -4 | Lv.3 Giant DEX Dye (DEX +5 CON -4). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant |
![]() Lv.3 Ancient DEX Dye DEX +5 CON -4 ![]() | Lv.3 Ancient DEX Dye (DEX +5 CON -4 Earth Resistance +15). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant |
![]() Lv.3 Legendary DEX Dye DEX +5 CON -3 ![]() | Lv.3 Legendary DEX Dye (DEX +5 CON -3 Earth Resistance +15). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant |
![]() Lv.4 Legendary DEX Dye DEX +5 CON -1 ![]() | Lv.4 Legendary DEX Dye (DEX +5 CON -1 Earth Resistance +20). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dimensional Merchant |
![]() Lv.5 Giant DEX Dye DEX +5 | Lv.5 Giant DEX Dye (DEX +5). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant |
![]() Lv.5 Ancient DEX Dye DEX +5 ![]() | Lv.5 Ancient DEX Dye (DEX +5 Earth Resistance +25). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant |
![]() Lv.5 Legendary DEX Dye DEX +5 CON +1 ![]() | Lv.5 Legendary DEX Dye (DEX +5 CON +1 Earth Resistance +25). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant |
![]() Lv. 1 Legendary DEX Dye (Charisma) DEX +3 CHA +1 | Lv.1 Legendary DEX Dye (Charisma) (DEX +3 CHA +1). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Obtain from Alchemy System (Transmutation) |
![]() Lv. 2 Legendary DEX Dye (Charisma) DEX +4 CHA +2 | Lv.2 Legendary DEX Dye (Charisma) (DEX +4 CHA +2). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Obtain from Alchemy System (Transmutation) |
![]() Lv. 3 Legendary DEX Dye (Charisma) DEX +4 CHA +3 | Lv.3 Legendary DEX Dye (Charisma) (DEX +4 CHA +3). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Obtain from Alchemy System (Transmutation) |
![]() Lv. 4 Legendary DEX Dye (Charisma) DEX +5 CHA +4 | Lv.4 Legendary DEX Dye (Charisma) (DEX +5 CHA +4). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Obtain from Alchemy System (Transmutation) |
![]() Lv. 5 Legendary DEX Dye (Charisma) DEX +5 CHA +5 | Lv.5 Legendary DEX Dye (Charisma) (DEX +5 CHA +5). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Obtain from Alchemy System (Transmutation) |
![]() Lv. 1 Legendary DEX Dye (Luck) DEX +3 LUC +1 | Lv.1 Legendary DEX Dye (Luck) (DEX +3 LUC +1). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Obtain from Alchemy System (Transmutation) |
![]() Lv. 2 Legendary DEX Dye (Luck) DEX +4 LUC +2 | Lv.2 Legendary DEX Dye (Luck) (DEX +4 LUC +2). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Obtain from Alchemy System (Transmutation) |
![]() Lv. 3 Legendary DEX Dye (Luck) DEX +4 LUC +3 | Lv.3 Legendary DEX Dye (Luck) (DEX +4 LUC +3). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Obtain from Alchemy System (Transmutation) |
![]() Lv. 4 Legendary DEX Dye (Luck) DEX +5 LUC +4 | Lv.4 Legendary DEX Dye (Luck) (DEX +5 LUC +4). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Obtain from Alchemy System (Transmutation) |
![]() Lv. 5 Legendary DEX Dye (Luck) DEX +5 LUC +5 | Lv.5 Legendary DEX Dye (Luck) (DEX +5 LUC +5). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Obtain from Alchemy System (Transmutation) |
![]() Lv.1 Giant CON Dye CON +3 STR -2 | Lv.1 Giant CON Dye (CON +3 str -2). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant |
![]() Lv.1 Ancient CON Dye CON +3 STR -2 ![]() | Lv.1 Ancient CON Dye (CON +3 STR -2 Dark Resistance +5). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant |
![]() Lv.1 Legendary CON Dye CON +3 STR -1 ![]() | Lv.1 Legendary CON Dye (CON +3 STR -1 Dark Resistance +5). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant |
![]() Lv.2 Giant CON Dye CON +4 STR -3 | Lv.2 Giant CON Dye (CON +4 str -3). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant |
![]() Lv.2 Ancient CON Dye CON +4 STR -3 ![]() | Lv.2 Ancient CON Dye (CON +4 STR -3 Dark Resistance +10). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant |
![]() Lv.2 Legendary CON Dye CON +4 STR -2 ![]() | Lv.2 Legendary CON Dye (CON +4 STR -2 Dark Resistance +10). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant |
![]() Lv.3 Giant CON Dye CON +5 STR -4 | Lv.3 Giant CON Dye (CON +5 str -4). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant |
![]() Lv.3 Ancient CON Dye CON +5 STR -4 ![]() | Lv.3 Ancient CON Dye (CON +5 STR -4 Dark Resistance +15). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant |
![]() Lv.3 Legendary CON Dye CON +5 STR -4 ![]() | Lv.3 Legendary CON Dye (CON +5 STR -4 Dark Resistance +15). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant |
![]() Lv.4 Legendary CON Dye CON +5 STR -1 ![]() | Lv.4 Legendary CON Dye (CON +5 STR -1 Dark Resistance +20). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dimensional Merchant |
![]() Lv.5 Giant CON Dye CON+5 | Lv.5 Giant CON Dye (CON +5). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant |
![]() Lv.5 Ancient CON Dye CON+5 ![]() | Lv.5 Ancient CON Dye (CON +5 Dark Resistance +25). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant |
![]() Lv.5 Legendary CON Dye CON +5 STR +1 ![]() | Lv.5 Legendary CON Dye (CON +5 STR +1 Dark Resistance +25). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant |
![]() Lv. 1 Legendary CON Dye (Charisma) CON +3 CHA +1 | Lv.1 Legendary CON Dye (Charisma) (CON +3 CHA +1). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Obtain from Alchemy System (Transmutation) |
![]() Lv. 2 Legendary CON Dye (Charisma) CON +4 CHA +2 | Lv.2 Legendary CON Dye (Charisma) (CON +4 CHA +2). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Obtain from Alchemy System (Transmutation) |
![]() Lv. 3 Legendary CON Dye (Charisma) CON +4 CHA +3 | Lv.3 Legendary CON Dye (Charisma) (CON +4 CHA +3). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Obtain from Alchemy System (Transmutation) |
![]() Lv. 4 Legendary CON Dye (Charisma) CON +5 CHA +4 | Lv.4 Legendary CON Dye (Charisma) (CON +5 CHA +4). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Obtain from Alchemy System (Transmutation) |
![]() Lv. 5 Legendary CON Dye (Charisma) CON +5 CHA +5 | Lv.5 Legendary CON Dye (Charisma) (CON +5 CHA +5). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Obtain from Alchemy System (Transmutation) |
![]() Lv. 1 Legendary CON Dye (Luck) CON +3 LUC +1 | Lv.1 Legendary CON Dye (Luck) (CON +3 LUC +1). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Obtain from Alchemy System (Transmutation) |
![]() Lv. 2 Legendary CON Dye (Luck) CON +4 LUC +2 | Lv.2 Legendary CON Dye (Luck) (CON +4 LUC +2). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Obtain from Alchemy System (Transmutation) |
![]() Lv. 3 Legendary CON Dye (Luck) CON +4 LUC +3 | Lv.3 Legendary CON Dye (Luck) (CON +4 LUC +3). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Obtain from Alchemy System (Transmutation) |
![]() Lv. 4 Legendary CON Dye (Luck) CON +5 LUC +4 | Lv.4 Legendary CON Dye (Luck) (CON +5 LUC +4). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Obtain from Alchemy System (Transmutation) |
![]() Lv. 5 Legendary CON Dye (Luck) CON +5 LUC +5 | Lv.5 Legendary CON Dye (Luck) (CON +5 LUC +5). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Obtain from Alchemy System (Transmutation) |
![]() Lv.1 Giant INT Dye INT +3 WIT -2 | Lv.1 Giant INT Dye (INT +3 WIT -2). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant |
![]() Lv.1 Ancient INT Dye INT +3 WIT -2 ![]() | Lv.1 Ancient INT Dye (INT +3 WIT -2 Water Resistance +5). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant |
![]() Lv.1 Legendary INT Dye INT +3 WIT -1 ![]() | Lv.1 Legendary INT Dye (INT +3 WIT -1 Water Resistance +5). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant |
![]() Lv.2 Giant INT Dye INT +4 WIT -3 | Lv.2 Giant INT Dye (INT +4 WIT -3). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant |
![]() Lv.2 Ancient INT Dye INT +4 WIT -3 ![]() | Lv.2 Ancient INT Dye (INT +4 WIT -3 Water Resistance +10). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant |
![]() Lv.2 Legendary INT Dye INT +4 WIT -2 ![]() | Lv.2 Legendary INT Dye (INT +4 WIT -2 Water Resistance +10). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant |
![]() Lv.3 Giant INT Dye INT +5 WIT -4 | Lv.3 Giant INT Dye (INT +5 WIT -4). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant |
![]() Lv.3 Ancient INT Dye INT +5 WIT -4 ![]() | Lv.3 Ancient INT Dye (INT +5 WIT -4 Water Resistance +15). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant |
![]() Lv.3 Legendary INT Dye INT +5 WIT -3 ![]() | Lv.3 Legendary INT Dye (INT +5 WIT -3 Water Resistance +15). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant |
![]() Lv.4 Legendary INT Dye INT +5 WIT -1 ![]() | Lv.4 Legendary INT Dye (INT +5 WIT -1 Water Resistance +20). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dimensional Merchant |
![]() Lv.5 Giant INT Dye INT +5 | Lv.5 Giant INT Dye (INT +5). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant |
![]() Lv.5 Ancient INT Dye INT +5 ![]() | Lv.5 Ancient INT Dye (INT +5 WIT Water Resistance +25). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant |
![]() Lv.5 Legendary INT Dye INT +5 WIT +1 ![]() | Lv.5 Legendary INT Dye (INT +5 WIT +1 Water Resistance +25). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant |
![]() Lv. 1 Legendary INT Dye (Charisma) INT +3 CHA +1 | Lv.1 Legendary INT Dye (Charisma) (INT +3 CHA +1). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Obtain from Alchemy System (Transmutation) |
![]() Lv. 2 Legendary INT Dye (Charisma) INT +4 CHA +2 | Lv.2 Legendary INT Dye (Charisma) (INT +4 CHA +2). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Obtain from Alchemy System (Transmutation) |
![]() Lv. 3 Legendary INT Dye (Charisma) INT +4 CHA +3 | Lv.3 Legendary INT Dye (Charisma) (INT +4 CHA +3). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Obtain from Alchemy System (Transmutation) |
![]() Lv. 4 Legendary INT Dye (Charisma) INT +5 CHA +4 | Lv.4 Legendary INT Dye (Charisma) (INT +5 CHA +4). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Obtain from Alchemy System (Transmutation) |
![]() Lv. 5 Legendary INT Dye (Charisma) INT +5 CHA +5 | Lv.5 Legendary INT Dye (Charisma) (INT +5 CHA +5). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Obtain from Alchemy System (Transmutation) |
![]() Lv. 1 Legendary INT Dye (Luck) INT +3 LUC +1 | Lv.1 Legendary INT Dye (Charisma) (INT +3 LUC +1). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Obtain from Alchemy System (Transmutation) |
![]() Lv. 2 Legendary INT Dye (Luck) INT +4 LUC +2 | Lv.1 Legendary INT Dye (Charisma) (INT +4 LUC +2). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Obtain from Alchemy System (Transmutation) |
![]() Lv. 3 Legendary INT Dye (Luck) INT +4 LUC +3 | Lv.3 Legendary INT Dye (Charisma) (INT +4 LUC +3). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Obtain from Alchemy System (Transmutation) |
![]() Lv. 4 Legendary INT Dye (Luck) INT +5 LUC +4 | Lv.4 Legendary INT Dye (Charisma) (INT +5 LUC +4). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Obtain from Alchemy System (Transmutation) |
![]() Lv. 5 Legendary INT Dye (Luck) INT +5 LUC +5 | Lv.5 Legendary INT Dye (Charisma) (INT +5 LUC +5). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Obtain from Alchemy System (Transmutation) |
![]() Lv.1 Giant WIT Dye WIT +3 MEN -2 | Lv.1 Giant WIT Dye (WIT +3 MEN -2). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant |
![]() Lv.1 Ancient WIT Dye WIT +3 MEN -2 ![]() | Lv.1 Ancient WIT Dye (WIT +3 MEN -2 Wind Resistance +5). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant |
![]() Lv.1 Legendary WIT Dye WIT +3 MEN -1 ![]() | Lv.1 Legendary WIT Dye (WIT +3 MEN -1 Wind Resistance +5). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant |
![]() Lv.2 Giant WIT Dye WIT +4 MEN -3 | Lv.2 Giant WIT Dye (WIT +4 MEN -3). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant |
![]() Lv.2 Ancient WIT Dye WIT +4 MEN -3 ![]() | Lv.2 Ancient WIT Dye (WIT +4 MEN -3 Wind Resistance +10). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant |
![]() Lv.2 Legendary WIT Dye WIT +4 MEN -2 ![]() | Lv.2 Legendary WIT Dye (WIT +4 MEN -2 Wind Resistance +10). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant |
![]() Lv.3 Giant WIT Dye WIT +5 MEN -4 | Lv.3 Giant WIT Dye (WIT +5 MEN -4). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant |
![]() Lv.3 Ancient WIT Dye WIT +5 MEN -4 ![]() | Lv.3 Ancient WIT Dye (WIT +5 MEN -4 Wind Resistance +15). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant |
![]() Lv.3 Legendary WIT Dye WIT +5 MEN -3 ![]() | Lv.3 Legendary WIT Dye (WIT +5 MEN -3 Wind Resistance +15). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant |
![]() Lv.4 Legendary WIT Dye WIT +5 MEN -1 ![]() | Lv.4 Legendary WIT Dye (WIT +5 MEN -1 Wind Resistance +20). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dimensional Merchant |
![]() Lv.5 Giant WIT Dye WIT +5 | Lv.5 Giant WIT Dye (WIT +5). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant |
![]() Lv.5 Ancient WIT Dye WIT +5 ![]() | Lv.5 Ancient WIT Dye (WIT +5 Wind Resistance +25). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant |
![]() Lv.5 Legendary WIT Dye WIT +5 MEN +1 ![]() | Lv.5 Legendary WIT Dye (WIT +5 MEN +1 Wind Resistance +25). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant |
![]() Lv.1 Legendary WIT Dye (Charisma) WIT +3 CHA +1 | Lv.1 Legendary WIT Dye (Charisma) (WIT +3 CHA +1). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Obtain from Alchemy System (Transmutation) |
![]() Lv.2 Legendary WIT Dye (Charisma) WIT +4 CHA +2 | Lv.2 Legendary WIT Dye (Charisma) (WIT +4 CHA +2). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Obtain from Alchemy System (Transmutation) |
![]() Lv.3 Legendary WIT Dye (Charisma) WIT +4 CHA +3 | Lv.3 Legendary WIT Dye (Charisma) (WIT +4 CHA +3). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Obtain from Alchemy System (Transmutation) |
![]() Lv.4 Legendary WIT Dye (Charisma) WIT +5 CHA +4 | Lv.4 Legendary WIT Dye (Charisma) (WIT +5 CHA +4). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Obtain from Alchemy System (Transmutation) |
![]() Lv.5 Legendary WIT Dye (Charisma) WIT +5 CHA +5 | Lv.5 Legendary WIT Dye (Charisma) (WIT +5 CHA +5). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Obtain from Alchemy System (Transmutation) |
![]() Lv.1 Legendary WIT Dye (Luck) WIT +3 LUC +1 | Lv.1 Legendary WIT Dye (Luck) (WIT +3 LUC +1). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Obtain from Alchemy System (Transmutation) |
![]() Lv.2 Legendary WIT Dye (Luck) WIT +4 LUC +2 | Lv.2 Legendary WIT Dye (Luck) (WIT +4 LUC +2). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Obtain from Alchemy System (Transmutation) |
![]() Lv.3 Legendary WIT Dye (Luck) WIT +4 LUC +3 | Lv.3 Legendary WIT Dye (Luck) (WIT +4 LUC +3). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Obtain from Alchemy System (Transmutation) |
![]() Lv.4 Legendary WIT Dye (Luck) WIT +5 LUC +4 | Lv.4 Legendary WIT Dye (Luck) (WIT +5 LUC +4). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Obtain from Alchemy System (Transmutation) |
![]() Lv.5 Legendary WIT Dye (Luck) WIT +5 LUC +5 | Lv.5 Legendary WIT Dye (Luck) (WIT +5 LUC +5). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Obtain from Alchemy System (Transmutation) |
![]() Lv.1 Giant MEN Dye MEN +3 INT -2 | Lv.1 Giant MEN Dye (MEN +3 INT -2). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant |
![]() Lv.1 Ancient MEN Dye MEN +3 INT -2 ![]() | Lv.1 Ancient MEN Dye (MEN +3 INT -2 Holy Resistance +5). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant |
![]() Lv.1 Legendary MEN Dye MEN +3 INT -1 ![]() | Lv.1 Legendary MEN Dye (MEN +3 INT -1 Holy Resistance +5). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant |
![]() Lv.2 Giant MEN Dye MEN +4 INT-3 | Lv.2 Giant MEN Dye (MEN +4 INT -3). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant |
![]() Lv.2 Ancient MEN Dye MEN +4 INT -3 ![]() | Lv.2 Ancient MEN Dye (MEN +4 INT -3 Holy Resistance +10). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant |
![]() Lv.2 Legendary MEN Dye MEN +4 INT -2 ![]() | Lv.2 Legendary MEN Dye (MEN +4 INT -2 Holy Resistance +10). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant |
![]() Lv.3 Giant MEN Dye MEN +5 INT -4 | Lv.3 Giant MEN Dye (MEN +5 INT -4). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant |
![]() Lv.3 Ancient MEN Dye MEN +5 INT -4 ![]() | Lv.3 Ancient MEN Dye (MEN +5 INT -4 Holy Resistance +15). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant |
![]() Lv.3 Legendary MEN Dye MEN +5 INT -3 ![]() | Lv.3 Legendary MEN Dye (MEN +5 INT -3 Holy Resistance +15). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant |
![]() Lv.4 Legendary MEN Dye MEN +5 INT -1 ![]() | Lv.4 Legendary MEN Dye (MEN +5 INT -1 Holy Resistance +20). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dimensional Merchant |
![]() Lv.5 Giant MEN Dye MEN +5 | Lv.5 Giant MEN Dye (MEN +5). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant |
![]() Lv.5 Ancient MEN Dye MEN +5 ![]() | Lv.5 Ancient MEN Dye (MEN +5 INT Holy Resistance +25). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant |
![]() Lv.5 Legendary MEN Dye MEN +5 INT +1 ![]() | Lv.5 Legendary MEN Dye (MEN +5 INT +1 Holy Resistance +25). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant |
![]() Lv.1 Legendary MEN Dye (Charisma) MEN +3 CHA +1 | Lv.1 Legendary MEN Dye (Charisma) (MEN +3 CHA +1). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Obtain from Alchemy System (Transmutation) |
![]() Lv.2 Legendary MEN Dye (Charisma) MEN +4 CHA +2 | Lv.2 Legendary MEN Dye (Charisma) (MEN +4 CHA +2). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Obtain from Alchemy System (Transmutation) |
![]() Lv.3 Legendary MEN Dye (Charisma) MEN +4 CHA +3 | Lv.3 Legendary MEN Dye (Charisma) (MEN +4 CHA +3). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Obtain from Alchemy System (Transmutation) |
![]() Lv.4 Legendary MEN Dye (Charisma) MEN +5 CHA +4 | Lv.4 Legendary MEN Dye (Charisma) (MEN +5 CHA +4). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Obtain from Alchemy System (Transmutation) |
![]() Lv.5 Legendary MEN Dye (Charisma) MEN +5 CHA +5 | Lv.5 Legendary MEN Dye (Charisma) (MEN +5 CHA +5). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Obtain from Alchemy System (Transmutation) |
![]() Lv.1 Legendary MEN Dye (Luck) MEN +3 LUC +1 | Lv.1 Legendary MEN Dye (Luck) (MEN +3 LUC +1). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Obtain from Alchemy System (Transmutation) |
![]() Lv.2 Legendary MEN Dye (Luck) MEN +4 LUC +2 | Lv.2 Legendary MEN Dye (Luck) (MEN +4 LUC +2). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Obtain from Alchemy System (Transmutation) |
![]() Lv.3 Legendary MEN Dye (Luck) MEN +4 LUC +3 | Lv.3 Legendary MEN Dye (Luck) (MEN +4 LUC +3). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Obtain from Alchemy System (Transmutation) |
![]() Lv.4 Legendary MEN Dye (Luck) MEN +5 LUC +4 | Lv.4 Legendary MEN Dye (Luck) (MEN +5 LUC +4). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Obtain from Alchemy System (Transmutation) |
![]() Lv.5 Legendary MEN Dye (Luck) MEN +5 LUC +5 | Lv.5 Legendary MEN Dye (Luck) (MEN +5 LUC +5). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Obtain from Alchemy System (Transmutation) |
![]() Lv.1 Windy CHA Dye CHA +1 | Lv.1 Windy CHA Dye (CHA +1). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant |
![]() Lv.2 Windy CHA Dye CHA +2 | Lv.2 Windy CHA Dye (CHA +2). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant |
![]() Lv.3 Windy CHA Dye CHA +3 | Lv.3 Windy CHA Dye (CHA +3). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant |
![]() Lv.4 Windy CHA Dye CHA +4 | Lv.4 Windy CHA Dye (CHA +4). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant |
![]() Lv.5 Windy CHA Dye CHA +5 | Lv.5 Windy CHA Dye (CHA +5). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant |
![]() Lv.1 Windy CHA Dye (Luck) CHA +3 LUC +1 | Lv.1 Windy CHA Dye (CHA +3 LUC +1). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant Obtain from Alchemy System (Transmutation) |
![]() Lv.2 Windy CHA Dye (Luck) CHA +4 LUC +2 | Lv.2 Windy CHA Dye (CHA +4 LUC +2). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant Obtain from Alchemy System (Transmutation) |
![]() Lv.3 Windy CHA Dye (Luck) CHA +4 LUC +3 | Lv.3 Windy CHA Dye (CHA +4 LUC +3). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant Obtain from Alchemy System (Transmutation) |
![]() Lv.4 Windy CHA Dye (Luck) CHA +5 LUC +4 | Lv.4 Windy CHA Dye (CHA +5 LUC +4). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant Obtain from Alchemy System (Transmutation) |
![]() Lv.5 Windy CHA Dye (Luck) CHA +5 LUC +5 | Lv.5 Windy CHA Dye (CHA +5 LUC +5). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant Obtain from Alchemy System (Transmutation) |
![]() Lv.1 Windy LUC Dye LUC +1 | Lv.1 Windy LUC Dye (LUC +1). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant |
![]() Lv.2 Windy LUC Dye LUC +2 | Lv.2 Windy LUC Dye (LUC +2). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant |
![]() Lv.3 Windy LUC Dye LUC +3 | Lv.3 Windy LUC Dye (LUC +3). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant |
![]() Lv.4 Windy LUC Dye LUC +4 | Lv.4 Windy LUC Dye (LUC +4). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant |
Lv.5 Windy LUC Dye LUC +5 | Lv.5 Windy LUC Dye (LUC +5). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant |
![]() Lv.1 Windy LUC Dye (Charisma) LUC +3 CHA +1 | Lv.1 Windy LUC Dye (LUC +3 CHA +1). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant Obtain from Alchemy System (Transmutation) |
![]() LUC +4 CHA +2 | Lv.2 Windy LUC Dye (LUC +4 CHA +2). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant Obtain from Alchemy System (Transmutation) |
![]() Lv.3 Windy LUC Dye (Charisma) LUC +4 CHA +3 | Lv.3 Windy LUC Dye (LUC +4 CHA +3). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant Obtain from Alchemy System (Transmutation) |
![]() Lv.4 Windy LUC Dye (Charisma) LUC +4 CHA +4 | Lv.4 Windy LUC Dye (LUC +5 CHA +4). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant Obtain from Alchemy System (Transmutation) |
![]() Lv.5 Windy LUC Dye (Charisma) LUC +5 CHA +5 | Lv.5 Windy LUC Dye (LUC +5 CHA +5). Collect and take 10 units of this magical dye to the Dye Merchant in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities. Can be used after Awakening or 3rd Liberation. All classes. Exchange with Dye Merchant Obtain from Alchemy System (Transmutation) |
Dye for 4th Slot
ใช้สักสีย้อมช่องที่ 4 จะเพิ่ม Passive Skill ของเผ่าที่เลือกพร้อมกับ Revelation Skills Lv.1 เป็นเวลา 7วัน เมื่อครบ7วันรอยสักจะหายไป ใช้1ขวด/1 Slot เมื่อลบออกจะไม่ได้สีย้อมคืน
Item | Description |
![]() Mysterious Human Dye | Dimensional Item Mysterious dye containing Human power. Bring this to the village Dye Merchant to imprint a 7-day magic symbol that contains the abilities of the Human race. (Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth Resistance +10, Debuff Resistance +1%, Active Skill: Unbind) All classes. Cannot be stacked with the previous Prophecy: ![]() |
![]() Mysterious Elf Dye | Dimensional Item Mysterious dye containing Elven power. Bring this to the village Dye Merchant to imprint a 7-day magic symbol that contains the abilities of the Elf race. (Water Resistance +20, Normal Attack Critical Rate +10, M. Skill Critical Rate +10, Active Skill: Prevision) All classes. Cannot be stacked with the previous Prophecy: ![]() |
![]() Mysterious Dark Elf Dye | Dimensional Item Mysterious dye containing Dark Elven power. Bring this to the village Dye Merchant to imprint a 7-day magic symbol that contains the abilities of the Dark Elf race. (Wind Resistance +20, Normal Attack Critical Damage and M. Skill Critical Damage +1%, Active Skill: Disparition) All classes. Cannot be stacked with the previous Prophecy: ![]() |
![]() Mysterious orc Dye | Dimensional Item Mysterious dye containing Orc power. Bring this to the village Dye Merchant to imprint a 7-day magic symbol that contains the abilities of the Orc race. (Fire Resistance +20, HP/ MP/ CP +1%, Active Skill: Savage) All classes. Cannot be stacked with the previous Prophecy: ![]() |
![]() Mysterious Dwarf Dye | Dimensional Item Mysterious dye containing Dwarven power. Bring this to the village Dye Merchant to imprint a 7-day magic symbol that contains the abilities of the Dwarf race. (Earth Resistance +20, Skill Cooldown -1%, Active Skill: Endurance) All classes. Cannot be stacked with the previous Prophecy: ![]() |
![]() Mysterious Kamael Dye | Dimensional Item Mysterious dye containing Kamael power. Bring this to the village Dye Merchant to imprint a 7-day magic symbol that contains the abilities of the Kamael race. (Dark Resistance +20, PvP Damage +1%, Active Skill: Soul Protection) All classes. Cannot be stacked with the previous Prophecy: ![]() |