Guard Agathion Charms

Guard Agathion Charms เป็นไอเทมที่มีคุณสมบัติเป็นเอกลักษณ์เฉพาะตัว ซึ่งจะแสดงผลก็ต่อเมื่อนำ Guard Agathion Charms ใส่เข้าไปใน Seed Bracelet ซึ่งคุณสมบัติมี 2 แบบคือ 1.Special Ability และ Unique Ability,
Special Ability จะแสดงผลก็ต่อเมื่อ Guard Agathion Charms ถูกใส่เ่ข้าไปในช่อง Main Slot ของ Seed Bracelet
Unique Ability จะแสดงผลทันทีไม่ว่าจะใส่เข้าไปในช่อง Main Slot หรือ Sub Slot ของSeed Bracelet
การEnchant สามารถEnchantได้สูงสุด +10 ค่าEnchantที่สูงขึ้นจะทำให้คุณสมบัติSpecial Ability และ Unique Abilityเพิ่มขึ้นเช่นกัน

Guard Agathion Charms มีทั้งหมด 3แบบ คือ
1. Masia’s Guard Agathion Charm
2. Paulina’s Guard Agathion Charm
3. Tersi’s Guard Agathion Charm


Guard Agathion Charms ได้มาจากการแลกเปลี่ยนไอเทมจาก Merchant of Mammon โดยกดเลือกเมนู “Tell me about the Guard Agathion Fragment.” ตามด้วย Exchange for Guard Agathion Charm.

Masia's Guard Agathion Charm 10 Guard Agathion Fragment
23 Elcyum Powder
Paulina's Guard Agathion Charm 10 Guard Agathion Fragment
23 Elcyum Powder
Tersi's Guard Agathion Charm 10 Guard Agathion Fragment
23 Elcyum Powder

Guard Agathion Fragment หาได้จาก Boss ใน Instance Zone Lv.100+

การอัพเกรด Guard Agathion Charms
ทำได้โดยการ + ด้วย  Book of Growth: Guard Agathion หรือ  Ancient Book of Growth: Guard Agathion สามารถแลกเปลี่ยนได้ที่ Merchant of Mammon โดยกดเลือกเมนู “Tell me about the Guard Agathion Fragment.” ตามด้วย Exchange for Guard Agathion Scroll of Growth, Angel’s Breath.

Angel's Breath 4,961,000 Adena
Book of Growth: Guard Agathion 2 Guard Agathion Fragment
4 Angel's Breath
Ancient Book of Growth: Guard Agathion 5 Book of Growth Guard Agathion
1 Angel's Breath


คลิกขวาที่ใบ+ Book of Growth Guard Agathion เพื่อเปิดหน้าต่าง Enchanting Itemsขึ้นมากดEnchantเพื่อทำการEnchant เมื่อสำเร็จค่าEnchant จะเพิ่มขึ้น 1 ถ้า ไม่สำเร็จ Guard Agathion จะหายไป Enchant ได้สูงสุด +10

Ancient Book of Growth Guard Agathion ค่าEnchant จะเพิ่มขึ้น 1 ถ้า ไม่สำเร็จ Guard Agathion จะไม่หายไป ค่าบวกจะยังคงเดิม Enchant ได้สูงสุด +10

Click Next เพื่อดูข้อมูลเพิ่มเติม

+Special AbilityUnique Ability
Masia's Guard Agathion Charm1Unique Ability activates only when +8 or higher heavy armor set effects are active. Increases P. Def. by 321.
2Unique Ability activates only when +8 or higher heavy armor set effects are active. Increases P. Def. by 377.
3Unique Ability activates only when +8 or higher heavy armor set effects are active. Increases P. Def. by 445.
4Increases Fixed Damage Resistance by +2%.Unique Ability activates only when +8 or higher heavy armor set effects are active. Increases P. Def. by 523.
5Increases Fixed Damage Resistance by +2%.Unique Ability activates only when +8 or higher heavy armor set effects are active. Increases P. Def. by 615.
6Increases Fixed Damage Resistance by +2%.Unique Ability activates only when +8 or higher heavy armor set effects are active. Increases P. Def. by 724, and decreases skill cooldown by 1%.
7Increases Fixed Damage Resistance by +4%.Unique Ability activates only when +8 or higher heavy armor set effects are active. Increases P. Def. by 851, and decreases skill cooldown by 2%.
8Increases Fixed Damage Resistance by +4%.Unique Ability activates only when +8 or higher heavy armor set effects are active. Increases P. Def. by 1002, and decreases skill cooldown by 3%.
9Increases Fixed Damage Resistance by +4%.Unique Ability activates only when +8 or higher heavy armor set effects are active. Increases P. Def. by 1179, and decreases skill cooldown by 4%.
10Increases Fixed Damage Resistance by +7%.Unique Ability activates only when +8 or higher heavy armor set effects are active. Increases P. Def. by 1387, and decreases skill cooldown by 5%.
Paulina's Guard Agathion Charm1Unique Ability activates only when +8 or higher light armor set effects are active. Increases P. Def. by 321.
2Unique Ability activates only when +8 or higher light armor set effects are active. Increases P. Def. by 377.
3Unique Ability activates only when +8 or higher light armor set effects are active. Increases P. Def. by 445.
4Increases Fixed Damage Resistance by +2%.Unique Ability activates only when +8 or higher light armor set effects are active. Increases P. Def. by 523.
5Increases Fixed Damage Resistance by +2%.Unique Ability activates only when +8 or higher light armor set effects are active. Increases P. Def. by 615.
6Increases Fixed Damage Resistance by +2%.Unique Ability activates only when +8 or higher light armor set effects are active. Increases P. Def. by 724, skill Power by 1%.
7Increases Fixed Damage Resistance by +4%.Unique Ability activates only when +8 or higher light armor set effects are active. Increases P. Def. by 851, skill Power by 2%.
8Increases Fixed Damage Resistance by +4%.Unique Ability activates only when +8 or higher light armor set effects are active. Increases P. Def. by 1002, skill Power by 3%.
9Increases Fixed Damage Resistance by +4%.Unique Ability activates only when +8 or higher light armor set effects are active. Increases P. Def. by 1179, skill Power by 4%.
10Increases Fixed Damage Resistance by +7%.Unique Ability activates only when +8 or higher light armor set effects are active. Increases P. Def. by 1387, skill Power by 5%.
Tersi's Guard Agathion Charm1Unique Ability activates only when +8 or higher robe armor set effects are active. Increases P. Def. by 321.
2Unique Ability activates only when +8 or higher robe armor set effects are active. Increases P. Def. by 377.
3Unique Ability activates only when +8 or higher robe armor set effects are active. Increases P. Def. by 445.
4Increases Fixed Damage Resistance by +2%.Unique Ability activates only when +8 or higher robe armor set effects are active. Increases P. Def. by 523.
5Increases Fixed Damage Resistance by +2%.Unique Ability activates only when +8 or higher robe armor set effects are active. Increases P. Def. by 615.
6Increases Fixed Damage Resistance by +2%.Unique Ability activates only when +8 or higher robe armor set effects are active. Increases P. Def. by 724, Dagger / Dual Dagger / Bow / Crossbow Resistance by 1%.
7Increases Fixed Damage Resistance by +4%.Unique Ability activates only when +8 or higher robe armor set effects are active. Increases P. Def. by 851, Dagger / Dual Dagger / Bow / Crossbow Resistance by 2%.
8Increases Fixed Damage Resistance by +4%.Unique Ability activates only when +8 or higher robe armor set effects are active. Increases P. Def. by 1002, Dagger / Dual Dagger / Bow / Crossbow Resistance by 3%.
9Increases Fixed Damage Resistance by +4%.Unique Ability activates only when +8 or higher robe armor set effects are active. Increases P. Def. by 1179, Dagger / Dual Dagger / Bow / Crossbow Resistance by 4%.
10Increases Fixed Damage Resistance by +7%.Unique Ability activates only when +8 or higher robe armor set effects are active. Increases P. Def. by 1387, Dagger / Dual Dagger / Bow / Crossbow Resistance by 5%.