Zodiac Agathions

Guard Agathion Charms

Old-Zodiac Agathions Charms

Zodiac Agathions Charms

Agathions Fire Dragon Charm

Seed Bracelet

Zodiac Agathions เป็นไอเทมสวมใส่ที่เรียกว่าเป็น non-evolved Zodiac Agathion  เป็นกำไลข้อมือข้างซ้าย (left Bracelet) สามารถ Summon ออกมาได้โดยการกดSkill Release Agathion และ เรียกกลับโดยการถอดItemออก เมื่อใส่แล้วสามารถใช้Active Skillได้เลยถึงแม้จะยังไม่ได้Summonออกมา (ไม่สามารถใช้ใน Olympiad และ Ceremony of Chaos)
Zodiac Agathions เป็นItemsที่มี Skills เสริมที่มีประโยชน์แตกต่างกันไปตามแต่ละชนิด มีทั้งหมด12ชนิด ตามปีนักษัตร12ราศี ชนิดละ 12 Stage การเพิ่มแต่ละ Stage จะทำให้ระยะเวลา Cooldown ของ Skill ลดลง

NameActive Skills
Agathion Virgo Healing Light Restores all party members' HP/MP/CP and has a chance of dispelling their debuffs.
+ Cooldown (Seconds) By Stage
Stage 1 2250 Second
Stage 2 2100 Seconds
Stage 3 1950 Seconds
Stage 4 1800 Seconds
Stage 5 1650 Seconds
Stage 6 1500 Seconds
Stage 7 1350 Seconds
Stage 8 1200 Seconds
Stage 9 1050 Seconds
Stage10 900 Seconds
Stage11 750 Seconds
Stage12 600 Seconds
Agathion Capricorn Skipping Kid Teleports 600 grids forward.
+ Cooldown (Seconds) By Stage
Stage 1 118 Second
Stage 2 110 Seconds
Stage 3 102 Seconds
Stage 4 94 Seconds
Stage 5 86 Seconds
Stage 6 78 Seconds
Stage 7 70 Seconds
Stage 8 62 Seconds
Stage 9 54 Seconds
Stage10 46 Seconds
Stage11 38 Seconds
Stage12 30 Seconds
Agathion Libra Scale of Life Equalizes entire party's HP and restores 333 HP/second for 15 sec.
+ Cooldown (Seconds) By Stage
Stage 1 2250 Second
Stage 2 2100 Seconds
Stage 3 1950 Seconds
Stage 4 1800 Seconds
Stage 5 1650 Seconds
Stage 6 1500 Seconds
Stage 7 1350 Seconds
Stage 8 1200 Seconds
Stage 9 1050 Seconds
Stage10 900 Seconds
Stage11 750 Seconds
Stage12 600 Seconds
Agathion Aries Rocky Camouflage For 15 sec., transforms into a rock to eliminate enemy's enmity and avoid being targeted. Speed is greatly decreased while transformed. Cannot use when Disparition is active.
+ Cooldown (Seconds) By Stage
Stage 1 225 Second
Stage 2 210 Seconds
Stage 3 195 Seconds
Stage 4 180 Seconds
Stage 5 165 Seconds
Stage 6 150 Seconds
Stage 7 135 Seconds
Stage 8 120 Seconds
Stage 9 105 Seconds
Stage10 90 Seconds
Stage11 75 Seconds
Stage12 60 Seconds
Agathion Taurus Battle Rhapsody For 30 sec., P./M. Atk., and Atk./Casting Spd. x 2.
+ Cooldown (Seconds) By Stage
Stage 1 2250 Second
Stage 2 2100 Seconds
Stage 3 1950 Seconds
Stage 4 1800 Seconds
Stage 5 1650 Seconds
Stage 6 1500 Seconds
Stage 7 1350 Seconds
Stage 8 1200 Seconds
Stage 9 1050 Seconds
Stage10 900 Seconds
Stage11 750 Seconds
Stage12 600 Seconds
Agathion Leo Maiden's Prayer Invincible for 10 sec.
+ Cooldown (Seconds) By Stage
Stage 1 2250 Second
Stage 2 2100 Seconds
Stage 3 1950 Seconds
Stage 4 1800 Seconds
Stage 5 1650 Seconds
Stage 6 1500 Seconds
Stage 7 1350 Seconds
Stage 8 1200 Seconds
Stage 9 1050 Seconds
Stage10 900 Seconds
Stage11 750 Seconds
Stage12 600 Seconds
Agathion Gemini Bountiful Resurrection Resurrects from death fully recovered. Buffs/ Debuffs remain in death, but Noblesse Blessing and Lucky Charm disappear.
+ Cooldown (Seconds) By Stage
Stage 1 13500 Second
Stage 2 12600 Seconds
Stage 3 11700 Seconds
Stage 4 10800 Seconds
Stage 5 9900 Seconds
Stage 6 9000 Seconds
Stage 7 8100 Seconds
Stage 8 7200 Seconds
Stage 9 6300 Seconds
Stage10 5400 Seconds
Stage11 4500 Seconds
Stage12 3600 Seconds
Agathion Scorpio Scorpion's Mass Exile Banishes enemies near target into another dimension. They become immobile and invincible against debuffs, skills, and standard attacks, and lose 282 HP/second.
+ Cooldown (Seconds) By Stage
Stage 1 118 Second
Stage 2 110 Seconds
Stage 3 102 Seconds
Stage 4 94 Seconds
Stage 5 86 Seconds
Stage 6 78 Seconds
Stage 7 70 Seconds
Stage 8 62 Seconds
Stage 9 54 Seconds
Stage10 46 Seconds
Stage11 38 Seconds
Stage12 30 Seconds
Agathion Aquarius Mass Binding Flood Thrusts target and nearby enemies into the air and immobilizes them for 10 sec., inflicting 100 damage/second.
+ Cooldown (Seconds) By Stage
Stage 1 118 Second
Stage 2 110 Seconds
Stage 3 102 Seconds
Stage 4 94 Seconds
Stage 5 86 Seconds
Stage 6 78 Seconds
Stage 7 70 Seconds
Stage 8 62 Seconds
Stage 9 54 Seconds
Stage10 46 Seconds
Stage11 38 Seconds
Stage12 30 Seconds
Agathion Pisces Slippery Scale For 60 sec., defends against debuffs 5 times.
+ Cooldown (Seconds) By Stage
Stage 1 2250 Second
Stage 2 2100 Seconds
Stage 3 1950 Seconds
Stage 4 1800 Seconds
Stage 5 1650 Seconds
Stage 6 1500 Seconds
Stage 7 1350 Seconds
Stage 8 1200 Seconds
Stage 9 1050 Seconds
Stage10 900 Seconds
Stage11 750 Seconds
Stage12 600 Seconds
Agathion Sagittarius Archer's Call Summons all party members to you.
+ Cooldown (Seconds) By Stage
Stage 1 6750 Second
Stage 2 6300 Seconds
Stage 3 5850 Seconds
Stage 4 5400 Seconds
Stage 5 4950 Seconds
Stage 6 4500 Seconds
Stage 7 4050 Seconds
Stage 8 3600 Seconds
Stage 9 3150 Seconds
Stage10 2700 Seconds
Stage11 2250 Seconds
Stage12 1800 Seconds
Agathion Cancer Exoskeletal Shield reflects 20% of received damage.
+ Cooldown (Seconds) By Stage
Stage 1 4500 Second
Stage 2 4200 Seconds
Stage 3 3900 Seconds
Stage 4 3600 Seconds
Stage 5 3300 Seconds
Stage 6 3000 Seconds
Stage 7 2700 Seconds
Stage 8 2400 Seconds
Stage 9 2100 Seconds
Stage10 1800 Seconds
Stage11 1500 Seconds
Stage12 1200 Seconds


Passive Skills 12 Stage
มีผลใน Olympiad และ Ceremony of Chaos



การอัพเกรด non-evolved Zodiac Agathion
Zodiac agathions สามารถอัพเกรดได้ถึง 12 Stage โดยการ Compound ด้วย Items 2 อย่าง คือ Zodiac agathions และ Starlight Jar อัตราสำเร็จ100% แต่ละStageจะใช้ Starlight Jar 1 ขวด เมื่อสามารถCompoundถึงStage 12 สามารถนำไปอัพเกรดเป็น Evolved Zodiac Agathion Bracelet ต่อไป

How to get Starlight Jar
Starlight Jar ได้รับจาก การใช้ฟังก์ชัน Crystallizing Zodiac Agathionตั้งแต่ Stage 1-12 ซึ่งจะมี%โอกาสที่จะได้รับ Starlight Jar Pouch ในอัตราที่กำหนด



ไอเทมที่ได้รับจากการ Crystallizing Zodiac Agathions

R-grade Crystal

Starlight Jar Pouch

R-grade Gemstone

Elcyum Powder

Elcyum Crystal