| Hurricane Storm
Required SP: 436393
Enchant Skill: Lv. 7 or Higher | Active
Lv. 15
85, 86, 88, 90, 92, 94, 96, 98, 101, 103, 105, 107, 109, 114, 119 | Attacks the area around the target with 52715 Power added to P. Atk. Power decreases by 10% when a sword/dualsword/blunt/fist weapon is used, and increases by 50% when a spear is used. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist weapon, dual blunt or dualsword. Over-hit. Critical.
+ Power +1 Skill Power +1%.
+2 Skill Power +2%.
+3 Skill Power +3%.
+4 Skill Power +4%.
+5 Skill Power +5%.
+6 Skill Power +6%.
+7 Skill Power +7%.
+8 Skill Power +8%.
+9 Skill Power +9%.
+10 Skill Power +10%.
+11 Skill Power +11%.
+12 Skill Power +12%.
+13 Skill Power +13%.
+14 Skill Power +14%.
+15 Skill Power +15%.
+16 Skill Power +16%.
+17 Skill Power +17%.
+18 Skill Power +18%.
+19 Skill Power +19%.
+20 Skill Power +20%. + Focus +1 Increases Skill Critical Rate by 1%.
+2 Increases Skill Critical Rate by 2%.
+3 Increases Skill Critical Rate by 3%.
+4 Increases Skill Critical Rate by 4%.
+5 Increases Skill Critical Rate by 5%.
+6 Increases Skill Critical Rate by 6%.
+7 Increases Skill Critical Rate by 7%.
+8 Increases Skill Critical Rate by 8%.
+9 Increases Skill Critical Rate by 9%.
+10 Increases Skill Critical Rate by 10%.
+11 Increases Skill Critical Rate by 11%.
+12 Increases Skill Critical Rate by 12%.
+13 Increases Skill Critical Rate by 13%.
+14 Increases Skill Critical Rate by 14%.
+15 Increases Skill Critical Rate by 15%.
+16 Increases Skill Critical Rate by 16%.
+17 Increases Skill Critical Rate by 17%.
+18 Increases Skill Critical Rate by 18%.
+19 Increases Skill Critical Rate by 19%.
+20 Increases Skill Critical Rate by 20%. + Break +1 Power of ignoring the target's P. Def. +1%.
+2 Power of ignoring the target's P. Def. +1.6%.
+3 Power of ignoring the target's P. Def. +2.2%.
+4 Power of ignoring the target's P. Def. +2.8%.
+5 Power of ignoring the target's P. Def. +3.4%.
+6 Power of ignoring the target's P. Def. +4.0%.
+7 Power of ignoring the target's P. Def. +4.6%.
+8 Power of ignoring the target's P. Def. +5.2%.
+9 Power of ignoring the target's P. Def. +5.8%.
+10 Power of ignoring the target's P. Def. +6.4%.
+11 Power of ignoring the target's P. Def. +7.0%.
+12 Power of ignoring the target's P. Def. +7.6%.
+13 Power of ignoring the target's P. Def. +8.2%.
+14 Power of ignoring the target's P. Def. +8.8%.
+15 Power of ignoring the target's P. Def. +9.4%.
+16 Power of ignoring the target's P. Def. +10%.
+17 Power of ignoring the target's P. Def. +10.6%.
+18 Power of ignoring the target's P. Def. +11.2%.
+19 Power of ignoring the target's P. Def. +11.8%.
+20 Power of ignoring the target's P. Def. +12.4%. Range: 500
MP Consume: 240
Casting Time: 2 Sec.
Reuse Time: 10 Sec.
 | Rush Impact
Required SP: 436393
Enchant Skill: Lv. 3 or Higher | Active
Lv. 11
85, 90, 95, 99, 101, 103, 105, 107, 109, 114, 119 | Charges forward to attack the enemies in front with 33864 power added to P. Atk. and inflicts Stun for 5 seconds.
Requires an ancient sword/ sword/ blunt/ spear/ fist weapon/ dual blunt/ dualsword weapon.
Abnormal State Type: Confusion (Fear / Aerial Yoke / Faint / Seduction / Stun / Paralysis / Knock Back / Knock Down)
+ Chance +1 Skill Success Rate +1%.
+2 Skill Success Rate +2%.
+3 Skill Success Rate +3%.
+4 Skill Success Rate +4%.
+5 Skill Success Rate +5%.
+6 Skill Success Rate +6%.
+7 Skill Success Rate +7%.
+8 Skill Success Rate +8%.
+9 Skill Success Rate +9%.
+10 Skill Success Rate +10%.
+11 Skill Success Rate +11%.
+12 Skill Success Rate +12%.
+13 Skill Success Rate +13%.
+14 Skill Success Rate +14%.
+15 Skill Success Rate +15%.
+16 Skill Success Rate +16%.
+17 Skill Success Rate +17%.
+18 Skill Success Rate +18%.
+19 Skill Success Rate +19%.
+20 Skill Success Rate +20%. + Hex +1 Decreases P. Def. by 1.0%.
+2 Decreases P. Def. by 1.4%
+3 Decreases P. Def. by 1.8%
+4 Decreases P. Def. by 2.2%
+5 Decreases P. Def. by 2.6%
+6 Decreases P. Def. by 3.0%
+7 Decreases P. Def. by 3.4%.
+8 Decreases P. Def. by 3.8%
+9 Decreases P. Def. by 4.2%
+10 Decreases P. Def. by 4.6%
+11 Decreases P. Def. by 5.0%.
+12 Decreases P. Def. by 5.4%.
+13 Decreases P. Def. by 5.8%.
+14 Decreases P. Def. by 6.2%.
+15 Decreases P. Def. by 6.6%.
+16 Decreases P. Def. by 7.0%.
+17 Decreases P. Def. by 7.4%.
+18 Decreases P. Def. by 7.8%.
+19 Decreases P. Def. by 8.2%.
+20 Decreases P. Def. by 8.6%. + Mind +1 Decreases M. Def. by 1.0%.
+2 Decreases M. Def. by 1.4%.
+3 Decreases M. Def. by 1.8%.
+4 Decreases M. Def. by 2.2%.
+5 Decreases M. Def. by 2.6%.
+6 Decreases M. Def. by 3.0%.
+7 Decreases M. Def. by 3.4%.
+8 Decreases M. Def. by 3.8%.
+9 Decreases M. Def. by 4.2%.
+10 Decreases M. Def. by 4.6%.
+11 Decreases M. Def. by 5.0%.
+12 Decreases M. Def. by 5.4%.
+13 Decreases M. Def. by 5.8%.
+14 Decreases M. Def. by 6.2%.
+15 Decreases M. Def. by 6.6%.
+16 Decreases M. Def. by 7.0%.
+17 Decreases M. Def. by 7.4%.
+18 Decreases M. Def. by 7.8%.
+19 Decreases M. Def. by 8.2%.
+20 Decreases M. Def. by 8.6%. Range: 600
MP Consume: 152
Casting Time: 1 Sec.
 | Power Bomber
Required SP: 436393
Enchant Skill: Lv. 5 or Higher | Active
Lv. 13
85, 88, 91, 94, 97, 99, 101, 103, 105, 107, 109, 114, 119 | Inflicts a powerful strike on target with 63802 Power added to P. Atk., knocking them down for 3 seconds, and increases damage as Momentum increases. Increases damage by 30% when Momentum is used up to 3. Requires a sword, blunt, spear, fist, dual blunt, or dualsword. Critical. Ignores Shield Defense.
Abnormal State Type: Confusion (Fear / Aerial Yoke / Faint / Seduction / Stun / Paralysis / Knock Back / Knock Down)
+ Power +1 Skill Power +1%.
+2 Skill Power +2%.
+3 Skill Power +3%.
+4 Skill Power +4%.
+5 Skill Power +5%.
+6 Skill Power +6%.
+7 Skill Power +7%.
+8 Skill Power +8%.
+9 Skill Power +9%.
+10 Skill Power +10%.
+11 Skill Power +11%.
+12 Skill Power +12%.
+13 Skill Power +13%.
+14 Skill Power +14%.
+15 Skill Power +15%.
+16 Skill Power +16%.
+17 Skill Power +17%.
+18 Skill Power +18%.
+19 Skill Power +19%.
+20 Skill Power +20%. + Chance +1 Skill Success Rate +1%.
+2 Skill Success Rate +2%.
+3 Skill Success Rate +3%.
+4 Skill Success Rate +4%.
+5 Skill Success Rate +5%.
+6 Skill Success Rate +6%.
+7 Skill Success Rate +7%.
+8 Skill Success Rate +8%.
+9 Skill Success Rate +9%.
+10 Skill Success Rate +10%.
+11 Skill Success Rate +11%.
+12 Skill Success Rate +12%.
+13 Skill Success Rate +13%.
+14 Skill Success Rate +14%.
+15 Skill Success Rate +15%.
+16 Skill Success Rate +16%.
+17 Skill Success Rate +17%.
+18 Skill Success Rate +18%.
+19 Skill Success Rate +19%.
+20 Skill Success Rate +20%. + Hex +1 Decreases P. Def. by 1.0%.
+2 Decreases P. Def. by 1.4%
+3 Decreases P. Def. by 1.8%
+4 Decreases P. Def. by 2.2%
+5 Decreases P. Def. by 2.6%
+6 Decreases P. Def. by 3.0%
+7 Decreases P. Def. by 3.4%.
+8 Decreases P. Def. by 3.8%
+9 Decreases P. Def. by 4.2%
+10 Decreases P. Def. by 4.6%
+11 Decreases P. Def. by 5.0%.
+12 Decreases P. Def. by 5.4%.
+13 Decreases P. Def. by 5.8%.
+14 Decreases P. Def. by 6.2%.
+15 Decreases P. Def. by 6.6%.
+16 Decreases P. Def. by 7.0%.
+17 Decreases P. Def. by 7.4%.
+18 Decreases P. Def. by 7.8%.
+19 Decreases P. Def. by 8.2%.
+20 Decreases P. Def. by 8.6%. Range: 40
MP Consume: 126
Casting Time: 1.5 Sec.
Reuse Time: 10 Sec.
 | Sonic Star
Required SP: 436393
Enchant Skill: Lv. 1 or Higher | Active
Lv. 9
95, 98, 101, 103, 105, 107, 109, 114, 119 | Adds 97730 to P. Atk. at the speed of light ignoring the P. Def. of nearby enemies by 10% and knocking them down. Can be used when Sword/Blunt/Spear/Fist Weapons/Dual Blunt Weapons/Dualswords are equipped. Over-hit.
Abnormal State Type: Confusion (Fear / Aerial Yoke / Faint / Seduction / Stun / Paralysis / Knock Back / Knock Down)
+ Power +1 Skill Power +1%.
+2 Skill Power +2%.
+3 Skill Power +3%.
+4 Skill Power +4%.
+5 Skill Power +5%.
+6 Skill Power +6%.
+7 Skill Power +7%.
+8 Skill Power +8%.
+9 Skill Power +9%.
+10 Skill Power +10%.
+11 Skill Power +11%.
+12 Skill Power +12%.
+13 Skill Power +13%.
+14 Skill Power +14%.
+15 Skill Power +15%.
+16 Skill Power +16%.
+17 Skill Power +17%.
+18 Skill Power +18%.
+19 Skill Power +19%.
+20 Skill Power +20%. + Focus +1 Increases Skill Critical Rate by 1%.
+2 Increases Skill Critical Rate by 2%.
+3 Increases Skill Critical Rate by 3%.
+4 Increases Skill Critical Rate by 4%.
+5 Increases Skill Critical Rate by 5%.
+6 Increases Skill Critical Rate by 6%.
+7 Increases Skill Critical Rate by 7%.
+8 Increases Skill Critical Rate by 8%.
+9 Increases Skill Critical Rate by 9%.
+10 Increases Skill Critical Rate by 10%.
+11 Increases Skill Critical Rate by 11%.
+12 Increases Skill Critical Rate by 12%.
+13 Increases Skill Critical Rate by 13%.
+14 Increases Skill Critical Rate by 14%.
+15 Increases Skill Critical Rate by 15%.
+16 Increases Skill Critical Rate by 16%.
+17 Increases Skill Critical Rate by 17%.
+18 Increases Skill Critical Rate by 18%.
+19 Increases Skill Critical Rate by 19%.
+20 Increases Skill Critical Rate by 20%. + Break +1 Power of ignoring the target's P. Def. +1%.
+2 Power of ignoring the target's P. Def. +1.6%.
+3 Power of ignoring the target's P. Def. +2.2%.
+4 Power of ignoring the target's P. Def. +2.8%.
+5 Power of ignoring the target's P. Def. +3.4%.
+6 Power of ignoring the target's P. Def. +4.0%.
+7 Power of ignoring the target's P. Def. +4.6%.
+8 Power of ignoring the target's P. Def. +5.2%.
+9 Power of ignoring the target's P. Def. +5.8%.
+10 Power of ignoring the target's P. Def. +6.4%.
+11 Power of ignoring the target's P. Def. +7.0%.
+12 Power of ignoring the target's P. Def. +7.6%.
+13 Power of ignoring the target's P. Def. +8.2%.
+14 Power of ignoring the target's P. Def. +8.8%.
+15 Power of ignoring the target's P. Def. +9.4%.
+16 Power of ignoring the target's P. Def. +10%.
+17 Power of ignoring the target's P. Def. +10.6%.
+18 Power of ignoring the target's P. Def. +11.2%.
+19 Power of ignoring the target's P. Def. +11.8%.
+20 Power of ignoring the target's P. Def. +12.4%. MP Consume: 769
Casting Time: 8 Sec.
Reuse Time: 25 Sec.
 | Spear of Eratone
Required SP: 436393
Required Item: Eraton's Historical Tome x 1 | buff
Lv. 5
115, 116, 117, 118, 119 | For 30 minutes, with the energy of Eratone's Shiny Spear, Weapon P. Atk/M. Atk. Boost +150.
Consumes 250 Spirit Ores.
MP Consume: 151
Casting Time: 1 Sec.
Reuse Time: 30 Sec. |