Othell Wind Rider (Unique Skills)

Unique Skills 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120






Skill NameLevelDescription
Superior HastePassive
85, 90, 95, 99, 115
infection Attack Success 10, Perfect Rate 15%, duration of Shadow Dash is doubled, and P. Skill Cooldown -5%.
Critical ExpansionsPassive
Normal Attack Critical Damage +5%.

Applies when a dagger or dual dagger is equipped.
Glory of Wind Rider

Required Item: Greater Rune Stone X 1
Feel the honorable power of an elite Othell Wind Rider.

P. Atk. +5%, P. Skill Power +5%, P. Skill Critical Damage +5%.
Poison SwarmDebuff
85, 87, 90, 93, 96, 99, 101, 103, 105, 107, 109, 114, 119
Throws a poison bottle at the target point to create a poisonous area for 15 seconds. Enemies within the area suffer P. Atk. -23%, P. Def/M. Def -10%, Movement Speed -50, and Shield Def. -50% and cannot use magic skills. Additionally, cancels the enemy’s hiding effect and they cannot hide again.

Range: 800
MP Consume: 76
Casting Time: 2.5 Sec.
Reuse Time: 15 Sec.
Gust MovementBuff
For 10 seconds, AoE Damage Resistance +30%, neutralizes ranged attacks and debuffs.
Also, does not take more than 25000 damage.

While the effect is active, Protection of Faith/ Nine Aegis/ Sardonic Fortitude - Inspiration effects are not applied.

Consumes 10 Soulstone

Requires a dagger or dual dagger to be equipped.

MP Consume: 38
Casting Time: 1.5 Sec.
Reuse Time: 60 Sec.
Critical ChancesBuff
85, 120
For 5 minutes, P. Skill Power +2%, Normal Attack Critical Damage +30% Perfect Power +40%.

<Perfect Additional Effect>
When Heart Breaker/ Blood Stab/ Chain Blow perfects are triggered, the cooldown of Right Angle Reverse/ Easterly Wind Strike will be reduced by 1 seconds.

Requires dagger/dual dagger.

MP Consume: 36
Casting Time: 2 Sec.
Reuse Time: 290 Sec.
Easterly Wind Strike

Required Item: Rune Stone X 8
101, 103, 105, 107, 109, 113, 118
Moves to the left side, dealing a deadly attack with 109% power added to P. Atk., and for 15 seconds, makes them bleed, dealing 666 damage per second.
Additionally, grants 'Wind Riding' to self.

<Perfect Effect>
Perfect Basic Rate 40% When Perfect is triggered, deals a deadly attack with 218% power added to P. Atk..

<Wind Riding>
While the effect is active, if 'Right Angle Reverse' Perfect is triggered, the Cooldown of Easterly Wind Strike is reset.
If Easterly Wind Strike Perfect is triggered, the Cooldown of 'Right Angle Reverse' is reset.

Requires dagger/dual dagger to be equipped.

Range: 40
MP Consume: 77
Casting Time: 2 Sec.
Reuse Time: 5 Sec.
Right Angle ReverseActive
85, 90, 95, 99, 101, 103, 105, 107, 109, 112, 117
Moves to the target's right side, and deals a deadly strike with 105% power added to P. Atk.

<Perfect Effect>
Perfect Basic Rate 40% When Perfect is triggered, deals a deadly attack with 210% power added to P. Atk..

Requires a dagger or dual dagger to be equipped.

Range: 80
MP Consume: 80
Casting Time: 1.63 Sec.
Reuse Time: 5 Sec.
Mortal StrikeBuff
85, 90, 95, 99, 115
For 60 seconds, Normal Attack Critical Damage +5%, Perfect Power +2%.

Requires a dagger or dual dagger.

MP Consume: 40
Casting Time: 2 Sec.
Reuse Time: 150 Sec.
Gust Stab

Required Item: Greater Rune Stone X 2
Unleashes a gust-like blow that deals a deadly attack with 110% power added to P. Atk. and stuns the target for 3 seconds.
Also, Cooldown of 'Right Angle Reverse', Easterly Wind Strike is reduced by 2 seconds.
Additionally, grants 'Gust Riding' to self.

<Perfect Effect>
Perfect Basic Rate 50% When Perfect is triggered, deals a deadly attack with 220% power added to P. Atk..

<Gust Riding>
For 5 seconds, Normal Attack Critical Damage, Perfect Power, Speed, and P. Evasion increased.

Consumes 3 Soulstones.

Requires a dagger or dual dagger to be equipped.

Range: 40
MP Consume: 83
Casting Time: 1.53 Sec.
Reuse Time: 6 Sec.